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Messages of

Afghan Girls to International Community


Olympic Games Paris 2024​​

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من خوشحالم که فرصتی برایم مهیا شد تا بتوانم پیام هایم را شریک کنم . ما در کشوری زندگی می‌کنیم که در جوانی،پیری را احساس کرده ایم ، ولی قلب هایمان پر از امید و آرزوست . زنان و دختران افغانستان در هر زمینه‌ای استعدادهای خود را به نمایش گذاشته‌ اند ، از جمله ورزش . ولی متاسفانه فرصت ورزش و اشتراک در برنامه های ورزشی برای زنان و دختران افغانستان محدود است و ما نمیتوانیم درین زمینه بدرخشیم. امیدوارم این حد اقل برادران ما بتوانند ازین حق مستفید شوند و مثل همیشه باعث افتخار در جامعه بین المللی شوند . من به تیم ملی کرکت کشورمان افتخار می‌کنم که با وجود تمام مشکلات داخلی، در آسمان ورزش کشور می‌درخشند. ورزش نقش ارزنده‌ای در سلامتی دارد، اما متاسفانه این فرصت در کشور ما تنها برای مردان محفوظ است و ما زنان جز نشستن در خانه، حق دیگری نداریم. نوشته: ه. ا

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I am grateful for the opportunity to share my messages. We live in a country where we have faced the pains of old age in our youth, yet our hearts remain full of dreams and hope. We have showcased our talents in various fields, particularly in recent sports programs. I am proud of the youth of my country, especially our national cricket team, which continues to shine despite all internal challenges and adversities. Opportunities for women to participate in sports in our country are limited, and we have no choice but to be patient. However, I hope that women will eventually have the same right to participate in sports as our male counterparts. Despite our limitations, we Afghan girls still possess great courage. If we cannot shine, let our brothers shine and be our source of pride. Sports play a crucial role in our health, but unfortunately, in our country, only Afghan men have the right to this benefit, while we Afghan women are confined to staying at home by H.A.

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من در خانواده‌ای با درآمد متوسط زندگی می‌کنم و نان‌آور آن خانه هستم. قبلاً علاوه بر کارم، بسیاری از هنرهای دیگر را یاد گرفتم. در تیم ملی فوتبال زنان شرکت کردم و موسیقی نواختم. اکنون، حتی نمی‌توانم از فوتبال و موسسه موسیقی صحبت کنم زیرا حق من برای این فعالیت‌ها از من گرفته شده است. برای حال حاضر، فقط کار می‌کنم و در کلاس‌های آموزشی آنلاین شرکت می‌کنم. از کار در جامعه‌ای مانند افغانستان که اکنون به دست کسانی افتاده است که فکر می‌کنند تنها الله آنها را هدایت کرده، می‌ترسم. پیام من به جامعه بین‌المللی این است که لطفاً دست به دست هم دهید و ما را از این وضعیت تلخ و مرگبار نجات دهید. با احترام، ا. ک

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“I live in a family with an average income, and I am the breadwinner of that household. Previously, in addition to my work, I learned many other arts. I participated in the national women's football team and played Music. Now, I cannot even speak of football and the music institute because my right to these activities has been taken away from me. For now, I just work and participate in online educational classes. I am afraid of working in a society like Afghanistan, which has now fallen into the hands of those who think that only Allah has guided them. My message to the international community is to please join hands and save us from this bitter and deadly situation.” by A. K

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"اسلام و علیکم رحمة الله ! من یک دختر افغان هستم که در افغانستان زندگی میکنم. من علاقه خاصی به بازی بسکتبال دارم و سه سال پیش زمانی که شاگرد مکتب بودم در تیم های داخلی مکتب اشتراک داشتم و آرزوی من همیشه این بود تا یک باسکتبالر موفق شوم ولی متاسفانه نه تنها آرزوی من در این عرصه تحقق نیافت حتی حق درس و تحصیل هم از ما گرفته شد. من از جامعه جهانی خواستار این هستم که دختران افغان هم بتوانند مانند دختران کشور های دیگر درس بخوانند ورزش کنند و در جامعه حق زندگی و کار کردن داشته باشند. و من برای تحقق یافتن آرزوی خود تا زنده هستم تلاش میکنم و از مبارزه دست بر نمیدارم و امیدوارم روزی آرزوی من برآورده شود." تشکر! پیام ص. ص

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“Greetings and eace be upon you! I am an Afghan girl living in Afghanistan. I have a special interest in playing basketball, and three years ago, when I was a school student, I participated in the school's internal teams. My dream has always been to become a successful basketball player, but unfortunately, not only has my dream in this field not been realized, but even the right to education has been taken away from us. I ask the international community that Afghan girls also be allowed to study, play sports, and have the right to live and work in society like the girls of other countries. And I will keep fighting to achieve my dream as long as I live, and I hope one day my dream will come true. Thank you!” by S.S.

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جامعه بین‌المللی عزیز، به عنوان بنیانگذار یک مرکز آموزشی، از شما تقاضا دارم که از ماموریت ما برای توانمندسازی دختران افغان از طریق آموزش و رهبری حمایت کنید. علیرغم چالش‌های بزرگ، ما به بیش از ۲۰۰ دختر آموزش با کیفیت ارائه می‌دهیم و رشد علمی و شخصی آنها را تقویت می‌کنیم. حمایت شما، چه از طریق منابع، دفاع از حقوق، یا مشارکت‌ها، می‌تواند به ما کمک کند برنامه‌های خود را بهبود بخشیم و تغییرات پایدار ایجاد کنیم. فدراسیون‌های ورزشی، سازمان‌های بشردوستانه و رهبران جهانی— همبستگی شما برای غلبه بر موانع اقتصادی-اجتماعی و ترویج برابری جنسیتی بسیار حیاتی است. با هم، می‌توانیم اطمینان حاصل کنیم که دختران افغان فرصت‌هایی که سزاوار آن هستند را برای ساختن آینده‌ای روشن‌تر داشته باشند. بیایید متحد شویم تا تفاوت عمیقی ایجاد کنیم. از تعهد شما سپاسگزاریم. با احترام، س. ا

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“Dear International Community, As the founder of an Educational Center, I urge you to support our mission to empower Afghan girls through education and leadership. Despite immense challenges, we provide quality education to over 200 girls, fostering their academic and personal growth. Your support, whether through resources, advocacy, or partnerships, can help us enhance our programs and create lasting change. Sports federations, humanitarian organizations, and global leaders— your solidarity is crucial in overcoming socio-economic barriers and promoting gender equality. Together, we can ensure that Afghan girls have the opportunities they deserve to build a brighter future. Let's unite to make a profound difference. Thank you for your commitment.” by S. A

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"پیام مه ای است شما ورزشکاران: امید ما استین ما از شما امید میگیریم و یاد میگیریم که چی رقم پیشرفت و مبارزه کنیم پس موفق باشین و برای کسانی که آرزوی ورزشکار شدن را دارد کمک کنید." پیام ن. ا

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“My message to athletes is that you are our hope. We derive hope and learn how to progress and fight from you. So, be successful and help those who aspire to become athletes.” by N. A.

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"من به عنوان یک بانو افغان زمین، خطاب به جهانیان! بیایید برای یک بار هم که شده خود را جای بانوان این سرزمین قرار دهید. چرا امروز همه در مقابل ظلمِ که بالای دختران این سرزمین جریان دارد سکوت اختیار کردند و چشمان خود را بسته اند. برای یک بار هم که شده خود را به جای ما قرار دهید شاید آن هنگام پی ببرید که سکوت شما چقدر برای ما نا امید کننده است. لطفاً در مقابل ظلم که بالای ما جریان دارد سکوت نکنید!" پیام د. ا

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“As an Afghan woman, I say to the world, put yourself in the shoes of the women of this land, even if just once. Why is everyone silent in the face of the oppression against the girls of this land and turning a blind eye? Put yourself in our place even once, maybe then you will realize how disheartening your silence is for us. Please do not remain silent against the oppression that is upon us!” by D. A.

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دیدگاه تان به جامعه و ورزش زنان محدود است. ما حتی نمی‌توانیم به پارک برویم، چه برسد به ورزش کردن. شاید هیچ صفحه و کاغذی نتواند دردها و سختی‌های زنان و دختران افغان را به تصویر بکشد. Ms. B

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Your perspective on women's society and sports is limited. We cannot even go to the park, let alone engage in sports. No page or paper can capture the pain and struggles of Afghan women and girls B.

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سکوت بس است ،‌جهانیان خاموش نباشید،‌ما تمام آرمان و آرزو های مان را از دست داده ایم . اگر شما دختری دارید احساس مان را درک کرده میتوانید . به حقوق انسانی و طبیعی مان احترام بگذارید و اجازه ندهید داستان زندگی ما بیشتر از این غمگین شود . ما خسته شدیم و این در را به معنی واقعی درک میکنیم . ما ازین قوانین مردسالارانه خسته شده ایم و این حکومت زندگی را بر ما جهنم ساخته است و هر روز بر محدودیت های ما افزوده میشود . ما در مقابل ستم این حکومت ناتوان هستیم و از شما میخواهیم صدای ما باشید . خاموش بودن در مقابل ظلم هم گناهی بزرگ است و شما در مقابل آن پاسخگو هستید . نوشته اسمان

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Enough silence! World, do not remain quiet. We have lost all our dreams and hopes. If you have daughters, you can understand our feelings. Respect our human and natural rights and do not let our life's story become any sadder. We are exhausted and truly understand the meaning of this pain. We are tired of these patriarchal laws, and this government has made our lives a living hell, adding to our limitations every day. We are powerless against this regime's oppression and ask you to be our voice. Remaining silent in the face of injustice is also a great sin, and you will be held accountable for it. Asman

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"زمان برای هیچ کس نه متوقف میشود ،‌نه بر میگردد و نه تکرار میشود . زنان و دختران افغانستان زندگی شان در بدبختی میگذرد و تمام فرصت های رشد و شکوفایی متوقف شده است و هیچ امیدی برای نسل بعدی نیست . هدف از بیان این پیام ،‌ رساندن صدای زنان به گوش جامعه بین المللی است . خاموش نباشید ، دست به دست هم داده زنان و دختران افغانستان را از این وضعیت نجات دهید و نگذارید زنان از تمام حقوق و آرزو های خود محروم شوند و نسل آینده افغانستان دچار مشکلات امروزی نباشد." پیام خانم م.م

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“Time neither stops nor returns, and it does not repeat. The lives of Afghan women and girls are spent in misery, with all opportunities for growth and flourishing halted, and there is no hope for the next generation. The purpose of this message is to bring the voices of Afghan women to the attention of the international community. Do not remain silent. Join hands to rescue Afghan women and girls from this situation, and ensure that they are not deprived of their rights and dreams. Let us prevent the future generation of Afghanistan from facing the same problems that we endure today.” by M. M

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"با ‌درود و سلام! از جامعه جهانی میخواهیم زمینه درس و تحصیل و بورسیه را برای ما مهیا سازد، چون در افغانستان همه یی درب های مکاتب، آموزشگاه ها و پوهنتون ها برای خانم ها مسدود است." پیام ز.ز

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“Greetings! We ask the international community to provide us with the opportunity for education and scholarships because in Afghanistan, all doors to schools, learning centers, and universities are closed to women.” by Z. Z

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ما، دختران ولایت *** افغانستان، در این زمان‌های چالش‌برانگیز از شما درخواست کمک می‌کنیم. ورزش برای ما چیزی بیشتر از یک فعالیت جسمی است؛ نمادی از آزادی، توانمندسازی و امید است. علی‌رغم موانعی که با آن‌ها روبرو هستیم، ما همچنان مقاوم و مصمم هستیم که به تلاش‌های ورزشی خود ادامه دهیم. حمایت شما در حفاظت از حقوق و فرصت‌های ما حیاتی است. از طریق ورزش، ما نه تنها به دنبال رشد شخصی بلکه به دنبال تغییر اجتماعی هستیم. با سرمایه‌گذاری در برنامه‌های ورزشی ما، شما در آینده ما و آینده افغانستان سرمایه‌گذاری می‌کنید. ما از شما می‌خواهیم که با ما همراه باشید، از شمول ما حمایت کنید و به تقویت صدای ما در صحنه جهانی کمک کنید. با هم می‌توانیم موانع را بشکنیم، کلیشه‌ها را به چالش بکشیم و آینده‌ای روشن‌تر برای همه دختران افغان بسازیم. از همبستگی و تعهد شما به آرمان ما سپاسگزاریم. با احترام، دختران ولایت ****

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“We, the girls of *** province of Afghanistan appeal to you in these challenging times. Sport is more than just physical activity for us; it is a symbol of freedom, empowerment, and hope. Despite the obstacles we face, we remain resilient and determined to continue our athletic pursuits. Your support is crucial in safeguarding our rights and opportunities. Through sports, we strive not only for personal growth but also for social change. By investing in our sports programs, you invest in our future and the future of Afghanistan. We urge you to stand with us, advocate for our inclusion, and help amplify our voices on the global stage. Together, we can break barriers, defy stereotypes, and build a brighter tomorrow for all Afghan girls. Thank you for your solidarity and commitment to our cause.” Sincerely, The Girls of **** Province

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پیام من برای جهانیان اینست که مشکلات مردم افغانستان را در نظر گرفته و مردم را ازین وضعیت تلخ و مرگبار نجات دهند نوشته: ع.خ

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My message to the world is to consider the hardships faced by the people of Afghanistan and to help them escape this bitter and deadly situation. by A.K.

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"السلام علیکم ورحمت الله وبرکاته! از جامعه جهانی میخوام از ما حمایت کنن در عرصه ورزش و تحصیل دخترانان افغان." پیام ز

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“Greetings and peace be upon you. I ask you, the international community, to support us in sports and education.” by Z

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"پیام مه برای جامعه جهانی ای است که همیشه دخترای افغانستان را حمایت کنید. و آنها را کمک کنید تا آنها بتواند ورزش کنند، درس بخوانند، کار کنند.و حداقل آنها بتواند نیازهای اولیه خود را برطرف کنند." پیام ر

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“My message to the international community is to always support Afghan girls and help them so they can continue their sports, study, work, and at least meet their basic needs.” by R. R.

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"من در فامیلی زندگی میکنم که اقتصاد متوسط دارد که خودم نان آور خانواده هستم. قبلا در کنار کار کردن خود خیلی هنر های دیگر را یاد میگرفتم و همچنان در تیم ملی فوتبال دختران بودم ولی فعلا نمی توانم حتی نام فوتبال و‌ مکتب را بگیرم چون این حق ازم گرفته شده. فعلا فقط کار میکنم و در صنوف آنلاین آموزشی شرکت میکنم که از کار کردن در همچون جامعه ای مثل افغانستان که فعلا به دست کسانی افتاده که فکر میکنند تنها الله آنها را هدایت کرده ترس دارم. و پیام برای جامعه جهانی این است که لطفا دست به دست هم داده ما را از این وضعیت تلخ و مرگبار نجات دهید." پیام ع.خ

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“I live in a family with a moderate economic status, and I am the breadwinner of the family. Previously, alongside working, I learned many other skills and was also part of the national under-** girls' football team and the Afghanistan National Institute of Music school. But now I cannot even mention football or school because this right has been taken away from me. Currently, I only work and participate in online educational classes. Working in a society like Afghanistan, which is currently in the hands of those who believe only they are guided by Allah, is frightening. My message to the international community is to please come together and save us from this bitter and deadly situation.” by A. K.

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به عنوان یک زن جوان، پیام من برای شما این است - از همه دختران و زنان افغان حمایت کنید تا بتوانند صدای خود را به اشتراک بگذارند و به جهان نشان دهند که قدرت زیادی دارند. از همه دختران و زنان افغان حمایت کنید تا بتوانند بر مشکلات غلبه کنند و از دیگر دختران افغان در مواجهه با همه مسائل حمایت کنند. با احترام، س

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“As a young woman, my message for you is this— support all Afghan girls and women, so that they can share their voices and show the world that they have a lot of power. Support all Afghan girls and women, so that they can overcome problems and support other Afghan girls in the face of all issues.” by S

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جامعه بین‌المللی عزیز، ورزش حق اساسی هر انسان است، بدون توجه به جنسیت، ملیت یا اعتقاد. زنان افغان، با وجود مواجهه با چالش‌ها و موانع فراوان، با شجاعت برای حقوق خود مبارزه می‌کنند و قدرت بی‌نظیر و بی‌حد و مرزی را نشان داده‌اند. این زنان قهرمانان واقعی هستند که الهام‌بخش مردم سراسر جهان می‌باشند. ما نمی‌توانیم اجازه دهیم این استعدادها نادیده گرفته شوند و هدر بروند. اکنون، بیش از هر زمان دیگری، به حمایت و پشتیبانی جامعه بین‌المللی نیاز داریم. از شما می‌خواهم که با ما همراه شوید و از حق زنان افغان برای شرکت در ورزش دفاع کنید. بیایید با هم برای آینده‌ای بهتر و عادلانه‌تر برای همه - به ویژه زنان شجاع افغانستان - تلاش کنیم. حمایت شما می‌تواند تفاوت بزرگی ایجاد کند. به زنان افغان نشان دهید که تنها نیستند و شما در کنار آن‌ها هستید. به ما بپیوندید تا تلاش کنیم رویاهای آن‌ها را به واقعیت تبدیل کنیم. ما به حمایت شما نیاز داریم. با احترام، م

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“Dear international community, Sports are a fundamental right for every human being, regardless of gender, nationality, or belief. Afghan women, despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles, bravely fight for their rights and have shown unparalleled and limitless strength. These women are true heroes, inspiring people around the world. We cannot allow these talents to be overlooked and wasted. Now, more than ever, we need the support and backing of the international community. I urge you to stand with us and defend Afghan women’s right to participate in sports. Let’s work together towards a better and more just future for all— especially the courageous women of Afghanistan. Your support can make a world of difference. Show Afghan women that they are not alone and that you stand by their side. Join us in striving to make their dreams a reality. We need your support.” by M **Message 18:** “My message to international community is to pay just a little attention to the girls in Afghanistan who love to participate in sports and other activities but cannot make their dreams a reality. They live day and night with this dream. You could help these sport-loving Afghan girls find an opportunity to do sports in any field.” by A Bright Future Seeker

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لطفاً پیام ما را به جامعه جهانی برسانید. طالبان را از کشور ما بیرون کنید. به تمام کشورهای جهان هشدار دهید که طالبان را به رسمیت نشناسند. لطفاً به زنان و دختران افغان کمک کنید. آنها در حال حاضر در وضعیت بسیار بدی قرار دارند. همه زنان افغان با آشفتگی روانی مواجه هستند. لطفاً طالبان را از کشور ما بیرون کنید. این آرزوی همه زنان افغان است. خانم آریانا سعید، خواننده معروف کشور ما که صدای زنان افغان است، را به عنوان رئیس جمهور افغانستان منصوب کنید. با احترام، س

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“Please spread our message to the world community. Get the Taliban out of our country. Warn all the countries of the world not to recognize the Taliban. Please help Afghan women and girls. They are currently in a very bad situation. All Afghan women face psychological turmoil. Please expel the Taliban from our country. This is the wish of all Afghan women. Appoint Ms. Ariana Saeed, the famous singer of our country, who is the voice of Afghan women, as the president of Afghanistan.” by S

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"پیامی به جامعه بین‌المللی، فدراسیون‌های ورزشی، و سازمان‌های بشردوستانه دوستان و همکاران عزیز، به عنوان یک مدافع آموزش و عدالت اجتماعی، از شما درخواست حمایت در مأموریت خود برای توانمندسازی دختران افغان و ساختن آینده‌ای روشن‌تر برای جامعه خود دارم. چالش‌هایی که دختران در افغانستان با آنها مواجه هستند بسیار زیاد است، اما با کمک شما می‌توانیم این موانع را پشت سر بگذاریم و تغییرات پایدار ایجاد کنیم. در مرکز آموزشی ما، به بیش از ۲۰۰ دختر آموزش با کیفیت ارائه می‌دهیم و رشد تحصیلی و شخصی آنها را علی‌رغم دشواری‌هایی که با آنها مواجه هستند، پرورش می‌دهیم. مأموریت ما فقط در مورد آموزش نیست؛ بلکه در مورد تجهیز این زنان جوان به ابزارهایی است که نیاز دارند تا به رهبران و تغییرسازان در جوامع خود تبدیل شوند. ورزش و تربیت بدنی نقش مهمی در این مأموریت ایفا می‌کند. آنها به تقویت اعتماد به نفس، کار تیمی، و مقاومت کمک می‌کنند - مهارت‌هایی که برای این دختران برای پیشرفت در همه زمینه‌های زندگی حیاتی هستند. ما از فدراسیون‌های ورزشی می‌خواهیم که از تلاش‌های ما حمایت کنند و منابع، آموزش و فرصت‌هایی را برای دختران ما فراهم کنند تا در برنامه‌های ورزشی شرکت کنند. سازمان‌های بشردوستانه، تخصص و منابع شما در مواجهه با چالش‌های اجتماعی و اقتصادی گسترده‌تر که جامعه ما با آن روبرو است، حیاتی است. حمایت شما می‌تواند به ما کمک کند تا امکانات خود را بهبود بخشیم، بورس‌های تحصیلی ارائه دهیم و اطمینان حاصل کنیم که برنامه‌های ما پایدار و تأثیرگذار هستند. به جامعه بین‌المللی، همبستگی و حمایت شما بسیار مهم است. با افزایش آگاهی و ترویج سیاست‌هایی که از آموزش و برابری جنسیتی حمایت می‌کنند، می‌توانید به ایجاد محیطی کمک کنید که در آن دختران افغان بتوانند بدون ترس یا محدودیت به دنبال رویاهای خود بروند. با هم، می‌توانیم تفاوتی عمیق ایجاد کنیم. بیایید تلاش‌های خود را برای حمایت از آموزش و توانمندسازی دختران افغان متحد کنیم و اطمینان حاصل کنیم که آنها فرصت‌های لازم را برای ساختن آینده‌ای بهتر برای خود و جوامعشان دارند. از حمایت مستمر و تعهد شما به این آرمان حیاتی سپاسگزاریم. با امید و عزم راسخ،" دختری هزاره

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“Message to the International Community, Sport Federations, and Humanitarian Organizations Dear Friends and Partners, As an advocate for education and social justice, I am reaching out to call for your support in our mission to empower Afghan girls and build a brighter future for our community. The challenges faced by girls in Afghanistan are immense, but with your help, we can overcome these obstacles and create lasting change. At our Educational Center, we provide quality education to over 200 girls, fostering their academic and personal growth despite the difficulties they face. Our mission is not just about education; it's about equipping these young women with the tools they need to become leaders and change-makers in their communities. Sports and physical education play a critical role in this mission. They help build confidence, teamwork, and resilience— skills that are vital for these girls to thrive in all areas of life. We appeal to sport federations to support our efforts by providing resources, training, and opportunities for our girls to participate in sports programs. Humanitarian organizations, your expertise and resources are essential in addressing the broader socio economic challenges that face our community. Your support can help us improve our facilities, provide scholarships, and ensure that our programs are sustainable and impactful. To the international community, your solidarity and advocacy are crucial. By raising awareness and promoting policies that support education and gender equality, you can help create an environment where Afghan girls can pursue their dreams without fear or limitations. Together, we can make a profound difference. Let's unite our efforts to support the education and empowerment of Afghan girls, ensuring they have the opportunities they deserve to build a better future for themselves and their communities. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to this vital cause. With hope and determination,” by a Hazara Girl

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اول اینکه من نمی‌دانم مشکل طالبان چیست. آنها به ما اجازه نمی‌دهند که درس بخوانیم، ورزش کنیم و کار کنیم. می‌خواهم جامعه شما صدای ما را بشنود و هر چه زودتر آینده‌ای درخشان برای ما بسازد. با احترام، ر

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“First I do not know what their (the Taliban) problem is. They (the Taliban) are not allowing us to study, work, and do/play sports. I want your community to hear our voices and make a brilliant future for us as soon as possible.” by R

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پیام من این است - باید کارهای زیادی انجام شود تا دخترانی که ورزش می‌کنند بتوانند به اهداف خود برسند و به سوی آینده‌شان کار کنند. من هم مثل دیگران رویاهای بزرگی دارم مثل به دست آوردن تحصیلات، شرکت در ورزش و غیره. در وضعیت فعلی ما، واقعاً نمی‌توانیم این رویاها را دنبال کنیم. با احترام، ل

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“My message is this— a lot must be done so that the girls who play sports can reach their goals and work towards their futures. I also have lots of big dreams like gaining an education, participating in sports, and etc. In our current situation, we really cannot pursue these dreams.” by L

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پیام من به جامعه بین‌المللی این است که لطفاً از زنان افغان در زمینه ورزش و دو و میدانی حمایت کنید. بدون حمایت شما، جامعه بین‌المللی، دختران افغان نمی‌توانند آینده خود را پیش ببرند. در حال حاضر، ما از جامعه بین‌المللی می‌خواهیم که فرصت‌هایی مانند برنامه‌های ورزشی و تیم‌های ورزشی فراهم کند. ورزش بخش مهمی از زندگی است. زنان در هر بخش از زندگی قدرتمند هستند و این قدرت و دانش را از طریق ورزش نشان می‌دهند. زنان مهارت‌های مدیریتی خوبی دارند. با احترام، گ

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“My message to the international community is to please support Afghan women regarding the field of sports and athletics. Without support from you, the international community, Afghan girls cannot further their futures. At this time, we want the international community to provide some opportunities like athletic programs and sports teams. Sports are an important part of life. Women are powerful in every part of life, and they demonstrate this power and knowledge through sports. Women have good management skills.” by G

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زنان افغانستان به طور سیستماتیک از حقوق و آزادی‌های اساسی خود محروم شده‌اند. ما از تحصیل، ورزش و زندگی عمومی محروم شده‌ایم— به طور موثری از جامعه حذف شده‌ایم. جهان نمی‌تواند در حالی که انسانیت ما نادیده گرفته می‌شود، بی‌تفاوت بماند. من از جامعه بین‌المللی می‌خواهم که به سرعت مداخله کند و فشار بیاورد به رژیم جدید تا حقوق اساسی ما را بازگرداند. زنان و دختران افغان شایسته زندگی با عزت، دنبال کردن رویاهایمان و مشارکت آزادانه در جامعه جهانی هستند. ما ساکت نخواهیم شد— صدای ما باید شنیده شود و مبارزه ما برای عدالت باید حمایت شود. آینده افغانستان به بازگرداندن حقوق و توانمندسازی پتانسیل زنانش بستگی دارد. ما خواستار دیده شدن، شنیده شدن و به عنوان شهروندان برابر رفتار شدن هستیم. با احترام، دکتر ت. ج

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“The women of Afghanistan are being systematically stripped of our most fundamental rights and freedoms. We have been banned from education, sports, and public life— effectively erasing us from society. The world cannot stand idly by while we are denied our humanity. I call on the international community to urgently intervene and pressure the new regime to restore our basic rights. Afghan women and girls deserve to live with dignity, pursue our dreams, and participate freely in the global community. We will not be silenced— our voices must be heard, and our fight for justice must be supported. The future of Afghanistan depends on restoring rights and empowering the potential of its women. We demand to be seen, heard, and treated as equal citizens.” by Dr T. J

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من می‌خواهم که صلح اولین اولویت هر دولتی باشد و باید برای آن تلاش کنند. با احترام، ر

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“I want peace to be the first priority for any country's government, and they must strive for it.” by R

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آموزش مانند سایر حقوق است، لطفاً ما را تنها نگذارید. حق من است که تحصیل کنم، پیشرفت کنم و آینده‌ام را بسازم. لطفاً به من کمک کنید تا این حق را به دست آورم. آموزش و ورزش حقوقی هستند که به دختران افغان تعلق دارند - دخترانی که زمانی آزاد مانند پرندگان بودند، اما از آن زمان شکار شدند، در قفسی کوچک زندانی شدند و بال‌هایشان کوتاه شد. من زمانی دختری بودم که می‌خواستم بسکتبال بازی کنم، اما اکنون دختری هستم که نمی‌توانم کاری جز نگاه به آینده‌ام انجام دهم. با احترام، م

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“Education is the same as other rights, please do not leave us alone. It is my right to study, progress, and build my future. Please help me obtain this right. Education and sports are rights owed to Afghan girls— girls who used to be free like birds, but those birds were since hunted, imprisoned in a small cage, and their wings were clipped. I was once a girl who wanted to play basketball, but now I am a girl who cannot do anything except look towards her future.” by M

Multicolor Pastel Bowtie

Messages of

Afghan Girls to International Community


International Women's Day, 2024

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لطفا چشمان تان را به سوی زنان افغان نبندید ، آنها در بدترین حالت ممکن قرار دارند از تعلیم ، وظیفه و هر نوع فعالیت های انسانی حتی گشت گذار در وطن خویش محروم شده اند از این بیشتر ظلمی را که طالبان به آنان روا دانسته است نادیده نگیرید من منحیث یک دختر افغان از جامعه جهانی تقاضا دارم که راه حلی برای زنان افغان در نظر گیرند و هیچ گاهی حکومت فاسد امارات اسلامی در افغانستان به رسمیت نشناسید و ممبعد برای این جاهلان اجازه دست درازی به حریم شخصی زنان را ندهند. نوشته S. A.

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Afghan women are in the worst possible situation. They have been deprived of education, work, and any kind of human activity, even the right to travel in their own country. Do not ignore the injustice that the Taliban has imposed on them. As an Afghan girl, I urge the international community to find a solution for Afghan women and to never recognize the corrupt Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Do not allow these ignorant men to violate the personal space of women any further. by S. A

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پیام من این است که ما به عنوان زن حق خود را خواهانیم چرا حق ما پایمال میشه چرا کسی صدا بلند نمیکنه چرا هیچ کسی دل اش به حال ما نمیسوزه امسال سه سال است که ما از تحصیل بازماندیم تحصیل کردن گناه نیست عیب نیست و شرمندگی هم نیست امیدوارم روزی همه زنان افغانستان به حق خود برسند. نوشته ثانی

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My message is this: We, as women, demand our rights. Why are our rights trampled upon? Why does no one speak up? Why does no one care about us? For three years now, we have been denied an education. Education is not a sin. It is not a shame. It is not a disgrace. I hope that one day, all women of Afghanistan will attain their rights. by Sani

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زنان و دختران را از بیماری واگیر (طالبان) نجات دهد نگذارید صدای ما بغض شود و جسم مان را رژه کند زن بودن در افغانستان روح بزرگ می‌خواهد اما روح زنان دیگر تاب آن را ندارد. نوشته مریم مقدس

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Save women and girls from the contagious disease (Taliban). Don't let our voices be stifled and our bodies paraded. Being a woman in Afghanistan requires a big soul, but the souls of women can no longer take it. Maryam Muqadas

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زنان افغان را نجات دهید! نگذارید قوم جاهل دوباره ما زنان را سرکوب کنند. صدای ما را برسانید به جامعه جهانی. نگذارید به عنوان مایه شرم و ننگ تلقین شویم. نگذارید استعداد ها سرکوب شود و رویا ها مانند رویا باقی بماند. ما هم انسان هستیم حق زندگی کردن را داریم . نوشته داکتر م

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Do not let the ignorant tribe oppress us women again. Let our voices be heard by the international community. Do not let us be considered a source of shame and dishonor. Do not let our talents be suppressed and our dreams remain just dreams. We are also human beings. We have the right to live. by Dr. M

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لطفا ما زنان را کمک کنین تا به هدف های خود برسیم به آرزو های خود برسیم از احتیاجی ما را نجات بتین لطفا ما را بگذارید که مستقل و به پای خود ایستاد باشیم و هدفی که داریم بدون درس خواندن هرگز به هدف های خود نمیتانیم که برسیم. نوشته کتایون

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Please help us women achieve our goals and reach our dreams. Save us from our need. Let us be independent and stand on our own two feet. We can never achieve our goals without education. So please help us get the education we need. by Katayun

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دیگر ظلم علیه زنان در افغانستان بس است. ما هم به عنوان یک انسان حق آزادی تحصیل ،تعلیم و زندگی را داریم.ما دیگر خسته شدیم که زیر بیرق سفید با استفاده از اسم اسلام و با خارج شدن از چوکات اسلامی ظلمی که برای زنان روا داشتند خاتمه داده شود. بگذارند تحصیل کنیم تا هیچگاه انگشت انتقاد علیه یک زن خاموش بوده نتواند. نوشته زرمینه

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Enough is enough! We, as women, are human beings and have the right to education, work, and a free life. We are tired of the oppression that has been carried out against women in the name of Islam. We demand that our right to education be respected so that no one can ever again point a finger of blame at women. by Zarmina

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پیام من اینست تا مکاتب و پوهنتون های افغانستان را باز کنند و توجه به دختران افغانستان نمایند. اسکالرشیپ های رایگان را برای دختران افغان مساعد بسازند و همچنان مصارف راه و تحصیل ما دخترهای افغان را بدهند. تشکر. نوشته امید زندگی

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My message is to open the schools and universities of Afghanistan and pay attention to the girls of Afghanistan. Provide free scholarships for Afghan girls and also pay for our transportation and education costs. Thank you. ‌by Hope for Living

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زنان در وضعیت رقت باری زنده است اینان زندگی نمیکنن بلکه تنها زنده است هیچ فرق بین انسان بودن زن و حیوانات قایل نیستند، باموجودیت نهاد های حامی دفاع حقوق بشر چرا تا به حال نتوانسته اید مشکلات زنان را که اساسی ترین حق شان زندگی کردن است را حل نماید جامعه جهانی وقتی توانایی تطبیق راهکار درست برای حمایت و دستگیری این قشر را ندارند بهتر است ملغی شود از اساس و بنیاد این چنین نهادها. نوشته دختر افغان

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Women are living in crisis. In fact, they are not living a life; they are merely surviving. There is no difference between being a woman and being an animal. With the existence of human rights organizations, why have you not been able to solve the problems of women, whose most basic right is to live? If the international community does not have the ability to implement the right solutions to support and help this group, it is better to abolish such organizations from the ground up. by Afghan Girl

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My life has been deeply impacted by recent ups and downs in Afghanistan. Every day, I wake up to the echoes of explosions, the haunting memories of lost loved ones, and the struggle to rebuild what was torn apart. In the midst of chaos, I strive for hope, yearning for a future where peace prevails. The scars of conflict run deep, but I remain resilient, hoping that the world hears our stories and works towards a future free from the horrors of war. by

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My message to the international community is to provide Afghan girls with more opportunities for education, such as scholarships, as they see that we need education very much, but with easier conditions, because there are no opportunities for education here, and we cannot improve our knowledge. by Tatar

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Nothing, 😒😒😒 by Raihan

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روز زن را به عنوان روز همبستگی زنان مبارک باد میگویم. در این روز مهم تاریخی از جامعه جهانی میخواهم زنان افغان را که قربانی خشونت و افراطی‌گری هستند از یاد نبرند. از جامعه جهانی و زنان دلیر جهان می خواهیم در کنار زنان افغان همصدا شوند و برای بدست آوردن حق تعلیم، تحصیل و کسب و کار این زنان ستمدیده دادخواهی نمایند. نوشته سهراب

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Happy Women's Day! On this important historical day, I call on the international community to not forget Afghan women, who are victims of violence and extremism. We call on the international community and courageous women of the world to stand in solidarity with Afghan women and advocate for the right to education, work, and business for these oppressed women. by Sahrab

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I want to once again raise my voice to the world to represent the women of my country. In the first step, I have a question for you. Why do you silently watch in the face of all the injustices that are being done to Afghan women? Afghan women fight a lot for their rights, but every girl is always suppressed from Every corner of my land raised its head and said education, but the repeated suppression of girls has nothing to do with politics, I am being held hostage, my message is this: stand up for Afghan women, support them, don't let the dream of Afghan girls go to the grave. by Farhat Eftat

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Afghan girls want the glimpse of education not the darkness of illiteracy. by Shakila

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My message to the international community is this: Support Afghan women so that schools and universities can reopen for Afghan girls. If the international community announces its support and allows women to be educated, then our society will be directed towards progress and self-sufficiency. If a woman is educated, it is as if the whole society is educated. Therefore, a society without women is incomplete and will remain incomplete if it continues this way. by Darya

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سلام علیکم ورحمت الله وبرکاته امید خوب باشین برای ما کمک مالی هم کنین چون ما توانایی زیاد نداریم نوشته زیفر

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Greetings to you, and may the mercy and blessings of God be upon you. I hope you are well. I am writing to ask for your financial assistance. by Zeifar

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Currently, girls above the sixth grade in Afghanistan do not have the right to education; Women are denied the right to travel without mahram, the right to choose clothing and work in many sectors. Also, women who are the head of the family are prevented from working and getting pensions.As an Afghan girl, I ask the international community to never recognize the Taliban, This is despite the fact that poor and homeless Afghan women have been under the siege of the Taliban's restrictions and restrictions since two years ago. Today I want to congratulate all the best women in the world and especially the brave Afghan women on Women's Day. Happy International Women's Day. by Sham

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This year is the third year that the world is celebrating March 8, International Women's Day, while Afghan women have been excluded from public life and denied the most fundamental rights such as the right to work and education. And in Afghanistan, this day is not celebrated, please the international community. May Bam cooperate to get rid of this situation thanks for all of you. by Najwa

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یک سال و نیم میگذرد که ما منتظر هستیم جامعه جهانی برای ما زنان افغان راه حلِ پیدا کند اما تا حال هیچ پیشرفتی ندیدیم امیدوارم جامعه جهانی ، جغرافیایی کوچکی به نام افغانستان را فراموش نکرده باشند . نوشته محل

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It has been a year and a half that we have been waiting for the international community to find a solution for us Afghan women, but we have not seen any progress yet. I hope the international community has not forgotten a small geographic area called Afghanistan. by Mahal

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To International Community: Imagine Your daughter In the shoes of Afghan Girls, Imagine your daughter or wife living the life of Afghan women. Of Course! It is beyond your imagination. You cannot even think about it. But, how can you accept and allow it for Afghan women? How can you let the seed of hope die in the heart of an innocent girl, who has no idea about this mess political issues happening in the world. You know, the life of women in Afghanistan has lost its color, now it is just black, dark black. Not only the color, but the meaning too. At some point in my life, I believed In the United Nations and what they were doing. Now, I am witnessing by my own eyes, how they are ignoring the dangerous situation of women in Afghanistan by not taking any practical action. I wonder and literally panic how they can be this ignorant. At this point, I have a totally different perspective about the Global Community and I reached to this conclusion that everything out there is just a show, everything is a lie, a big one. Working for humanity and equality are lies. Making the world a better place is a lie. For me everything has turned out to be a lie just because of them. Because how we have been neglected and left behind in this dark corner of the world. I have so many things to say, to write and to share, but I won't. It is because I am asking myself what is the use of doing it. Many people did, who heard them? Who cared about them? No one. Instead, everyone is normalizing the situation. The one and only thing that I would like to say is that please do not be this ignorant, just once only once for a single moment imagine your daughter has the life of an Afghan girl, and feel it, would you allow it? by Zahra A

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مینویسم از وطن خسته ام مینویسم مینویسم از وطنی که هر کی آمد برای آبادی اش وعده ها دادند اما هیچ یک به وعده خود وفا نکرد مینویسم از سرزمین که همه برای آرامش و آبادی اش فقط شعار دادند و هر گز فردی پیدا نشد که در عمل پیاده کند هر کدام به نوبه ای خود زخمی وارد کردند و پا به فرار نهادند مینویسم از درد مادری که چشم به راه فرزندش است مینویسم از زن خسته ای که در وسط زنده گی با درد و غم تنها مانده چشم به مسیری دوخته که روزی همسفرش از راه برسد مینویسم از فرزندی که دلتنگ پدرش است چشم به در دوخته تا پدرش از دروازه داخل شود می‌نويسم از این چشم های انتظار که هیچ وقت انتظارش به پایان نرسید مینویسم از دختران خسته ای سرزمینی که دلتنگ کتاب‌های خود هستند و از رفتن به مکتب محروم اند و حسرت خواندن و نوشتن به دلشان مانده مینویسم از فرزندان وطنی که تا خواستند برای آرزو های شان پرواز کنند بالهای شان چیده شد می‌نويسم از جوانانی که زنده گی یک عمر جوانی ازشان قرض دار است مینویسم از گل های سرزمینی که در هنگام شگفتن پژمرده شدند مینویسم از نسل که در جوانی پیر شدند مینویسم از وطن درد مند و زخمی بنام افغانستان. از جامعه جهانی میخواهم بجای این همه ابراز تاسف و شمار کردن روز های محروم بودن مکاتب دختران حداقل یکبار شعار خود را در عمل پیاده کنند سرنوشت نامعلوم دختران سرزمینم را معلوم کنند صادقانه در کنار دختران سرزمینم و برای اینکه بیشتر از این از تحصیل که حق قانونی و شرعی شان است مبارزه کنند. #фрӯзон E.

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I write of a weary homeland, Where promises of prosperity were made by all, Yet none were fulfilled. I write of a land, Where all spoke of peace and progress, But none acted. Each inflicted their own wound, And fled. I write of a mother's pain, Waiting for her child. I write of a weary woman, Left alone in the midst of life, With eyes fixed on the path, Awaiting her companion's return. I write of a child, Longing for his father, Eyes fixed on the door, Waiting for his father to enter. I write of these waiting eyes, Whose wait never ends. I write of weary girls, Longing for their books, Denied an education, Their dreams of reading and writing unfulfilled. I write of the children of this land, Whose wings were clipped, Just as they began to soar. I write of the youth, To whom life owes a lifetime of youth. I write of the flowers of this land, Withered as they bloomed. I write of a generation, Aged in their youth. I write of a wounded homeland, Afghanistan. To the International Community I call on the international community to put their words into action. For once, instead of expressing regret, and counting the days that girls' schools have been closed, do something to help with the uncertain fate of the girls of my land. Stand with the girls of my land, And fight for their right to education, their legal and religious right. by #фрӯзон E.

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Urgent Call to Action for Women's Rights in Afghanistan Dear Members of the International Community, I pen this letter to you with a heavy heart, but also with an urgent plea for action on behalf of the women and girls of Afghanistan. My name is Hadia, and I represent the countless voices of Afghan women who are currently living in fear and uncertainty as the rights and freedoms they have fought so hard for over the years are once again under threat. For decades, Afghan women have endured unimaginable hardships, from oppressive regimes to violent conflicts. Despite these challenges, we have persevered, striving for equality, education, and the right to live our lives with dignity and autonomy. In recent years, we have made significant progress, with many women entering the workforce, participating in politics, and advocating for change in our communities. However, with the return of Taliban rule, our hard-won gains are now in jeopardy. Already, we are witnessing the erosion of our rights, as women are being forced out of schools, removed from positions of authority, and subjected to restrictions on their movement and dress. The prospect of returning to the dark days of Taliban rule fills us with fear and despair. But we refuse to be silenced or sidelined. We refuse to let our voices be drowned out by oppression and tyranny. We call upon the international community to stand with us in our fight for freedom and equality. We urge you to use your influence and resources to pressure the Taliban to respect the rights of Afghan women and girls. Specifically, we ask for the following actions: Humanitarian Aid: Provide humanitarian assistance to Afghan women and girls who are at risk of violence, displacement, or economic hardship. Support organizations that are working to provide essential services, such as healthcare, education, and legal support. Diplomatic Pressure: Use diplomatic channels to engage with the Taliban and demand that they uphold their commitments to human rights, including the rights of women and girls. Hold them accountable for any violations and ensure that they are included in any peace negotiations or agreements. Sanctions and Accountability: Impose targeted sanctions on individuals or entities that are responsible for human rights abuses, including those targeting women and girls. Support efforts to investigate and prosecute perpetrators of gender-based violence and discrimination. Support Civil Society: Provide funding and resources to civil society organizations, women's groups, and activists who are working to promote gender equality and women's rights in Afghanistan. Amplify their voices and support their efforts to advocate for change. Safe Havens: Offer refuge and asylum to Afghan women and girls who are at risk of persecution or violence. Ensure that they have access to protection, support, and opportunities for a better future. Time is of the essence. Every day that passes without action is another day that Afghan women and girls are subjected to oppression and injustice. We cannot afford to stand idly by while their rights are trampled upon. We must act now, with determination and solidarity, to ensure that they are able to live their lives free from fear and discrimination. In the words of Afghan poet Nadia Anjuman, "We are the voice of the voiceless, the strength of the oppressed, the hope of the hopeless." Let us stand together, united in our commitment to justice and equality for all. Yours sincerely, Hadia A Voice for Afghan Women's Rights. Hadia

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نزدیک به سه سال است که ما زنان و دختران افغانستان از تمام حق و حقوق زندگی مان محروم شده ایم و به طور ناخواسته در خانه های خودمان زندانی شده ایم دختران از تحصیل محروم و کارمندان از کار شان بیکار و وضعیت اقتصادی زنان افغانستان به کلی سقوط کرده است، امروزه زنان افغانستان با انواع بدبختی رو به رو هستند مشکلات روانی امروزه دامنگیر اکثریت زنان شده است و تمام زنان و دختران افغانستان از داشتن یک زندگی که حق شان است به کلی ناامید شده اند.شکایت من منحیث یک زن که قبلا انجام وظیفه میکردم بیشتر از جامعه جهانی است تا از طالبان. زیرا طالبان با افکاری که دارند ارزشی به حضور زنان در جامعه و حکومت قائل نیست. بعید نیست که اینگونه قوانین سخت گیرانه و غیر انسانی برای زنان وضع کند اما جامعه جهانی به کدام اساس هنوز ساکت است و فریاد خاموش شده ی گلوی هر زن این سرزمین را نادیده و ناشنیده میگیرد. من از جامعه جهانی خواهانم اگر واقعا به انسانیت و حقوق بشر باورمند است پس چرا برای بیرون رفت از این معضل کاری نمیکند؟ نوشته اطهر سما

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For nearly three years, we women and girls of Afghanistan have been deprived of all our rights and freedoms, and have been involuntarily imprisoned in our own homes. Girls are denied education, female employees are unemployed, and the economic situation of Afghan women has collapsed. Today, Afghan women face all sorts of misfortunes. Mental health problems are now affecting the majority of women, and all women and girls in Afghanistan have completely lost hope of having the life they deserve. My complaint, as a woman who used to work, is more with the international community than with the Taliban. Because the Taliban, with their ideology, do not value the presence of women in society and government. It is not surprising that they would impose such harsh and inhumane laws on women. But on what basis is the international community still silent, ignoring and unheard the silenced cry of every woman in this land? I ask the international community, if you truly believe in humanity and human rights, then why are you not doing anything to get out of this situation? by Athar Sama

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I am a Afghan girl I want international community support all of Afghan women we are so uncomfortable in this situation I should say international community Do not leave Afghan women alone, women are the future makers of society and a generation For the first time, we want women to be considered as human beings, and don't destroy an Afghan girl and woman, and don't give this permission to the Taliban so that Afghan girls feel destroyed. I am saying that we are not in a good situation, we want you to hear our voice, not just to listen to the notes, but to start a little with our words and needs, please, we need the voice of all the women of the world, we need the voice of the whole world. by Darya

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پیام من برای جامعه جهانی این است که باید دروازه های پوهنتون ها مکاتب را به روی دختران افغانستان باز کند. زنان را اجازه کار، تحصیل و آزادی بدهند تا یک جامعه روشنفکر به بار آید در قرآن کریم هم ذکر است خواندن بر مرد وزن مسلمان فرض است پس اجازه نمی دهند چرا بالای زنان اینقدر ظلم جریان دارد باید توجه داشته باشند تا به خواسته های زنان افغانستان رسیدگی شود این تروریستها از اسلام یک نام دیگه ساخته اند در اسلام میانه رویی است در اسلام ظلم جبر و زور نیست همه چیز را قبول میکنند بالای هر انسان. همه از اسلام دور می سازند. از نام اسلام استفاده میکنند. نوشته شهاب

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My message to the international community is that they must open the doors of universities and schools to the girls of Afghanistan. They should allow women to work, study, and have freedom so that an enlightened society can come about. In the Holy Quran, it is mentioned that reading is obligatory for Muslim men and women. So why don't they allow it? Why is there so much oppression of women? They should pay attention to the demands of the women of Afghanistan. These terrorists have made Islam something else. Islam is about moderation. There is no oppression, coercion, or force in Islam. They accept everything for every human being. They are turning everyone away from Islam. They are using the name of Islam. by Shahab

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Some days later, women all over the world will be celebrating International Women's Day on March 8th. However, in a corner of the world, there are many forgotten women and girls living in Afghanistan. For almost two years, we have been oppressed and restricted by the Taliban, who act as barriers preventing us, the helpless girls and women in Afghanistan, from living freely. Our basic rights have been stripped away. We are forbidden from attending universities and schools, and they deny us the right to work. I am a girl with a pen in my hand, but it has been nearly two years since I last stepped foot in a classroom. As I write this, tears stain my paper. My dreams and aspirations have been shattered. I feel lost and hopeless, like I am nothing. I refuse to be confined to a life of marriage, childbearing, and domestic work. My goals and ambitions have been crushed. The world around me is dark and cold, like endless nights and harsh winters. I don't know where to turn or who to call for help. I was once an unstoppable girl, but now I feel trapped and silenced. If anyone read this please once put yourselves instead of us! International community can you be our voices? Thanks for taking time to read this. by Azada

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The situation of women in Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban government in 2021 is very complicated and sensitive due to political and social changes. Afghan women have faced many challenges throughout history, but since the fall of the Taliban regime in the last decade, significant progress has been made in women's rights and gender equality in the country. But with the return of the Taliban to power, concerns about the status of women in Afghanistan have increased. The Taliban is known as a conservative Islamic group that has restricted women's rights in the past and confined them to the home. With the Taliban seizing power, many Afghan women are worried about whether their rights and freedoms are at risk. The return of the Taliban to power has led to new changes in the lives of Afghan women. The Taliban has announced that it will allow women to study and work in various fields, but there are still some restrictions and concerns about women's rights. Some reports show that women inSome areas of Afghanistan have suffered violence and discrimination and there are many concerns about their future situation. However, the international community and human rights organizations are active and press to protect women's rights in Afghanistan. Many countries and international organizations also emphasize that women's rights should be protected and women should have access to social, political and economic activities. However, the situation of women in Afghanistan still brings many challenges and there is a need for the attention and support of the international community and governments to protect women's rights in this country. As a global community, we have a responsibility to pay enough attention to women's rights in Afghanistan and try to guarantee gender equality and women's rights in this country. Afghan women and girls are in the worst mental and emotional state, as we know, they have stopped studying and many of them are criticized for raising their voices, we from the international community and the organizationWe want the United Nations to exert pressure so that the doors of schools and universities are opened for girls and women's rights are not violated, as we know that many women were the sole breadwinners of a family and are currently in bad economic and mental conditions. by Muqadas

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روز همبستگی زنان جهان هر سال در هشتم مارچ به منظور گرامیداشت دستاوردها، تقدیر از تلاش‌ها و توانایی های زنان در سطوح مختلف جوامع برگزار می‌شود. دلیل نامگذاری این روز به همبستگی زنان جهان، نشان دادن وحدت و همبستگی زنان در مبارزه برای حقوق و برابری جنسیتی است. این روز فرصتی است برای افزایش آگاهی در مورد مسائل زنان و ترویج اعتماد به نفس و قدرت زنان در جوامع مختلف. برای کمک به زنان افغانستان و برای خروج از وضعیت فعلی، نیاز به تضمین امنیت و حقوق برابر برای زنان، ترویج آموزش و دسترسی به خدمات بهداشتی و روانی، توسعه فرصت‌های اقتصادی برای زنان، و حمایت از حقوق زنان در تمامی ابعاد زندگی اجتماعی و سیاسی آنان می‌باشد. همچنین، ترویج فرهنگ احترام و تقدیر به زنان و ترویج همبستگی و اعتماد به نفس در زنان افغانستان نیز از اهمیت ویژه‌ای برخوردار است. لذا در برای به وقوع پیوستن این اهداف لازم به این است که تلاش های داخلی و بین المللی بسیاری صورت بگیرد و افغانستان از تسلط گروه بنیادگرا و زن ستیز طالب آزاد گردد و یک نظام دموکراتیک با انتخاب و اراده مردم افغانستان ایجاد شود تا زن و مرد افغانستان در کنار هم به آرامی زندگی کنند و تلاش برای آینده کشور . به امید آزادی افغانستان . زنده باید زنان قهرمان افغانستان . زنده باد زنان سرتاسر جهان . روز همبستگی زنان جهان گرامی باد . نوشته نخیر

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International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8th every year to commemorate the achievements, recognize the efforts, and celebrate the capabilities of women in all levels of society. The reason this day is called International Women's Day is to show the unity and solidarity of women in the fight for rights and gender equality. This day is an opportunity to raise awareness about women's issues and promote self-confidence and empowerment of women in different societies. To help the women of Afghanistan and to get out of the current situation, there is a need to guarantee security and equal rights for women, promote education and access to health and psychological services, develop economic opportunities for women, and support women's rights in all dimensions of their social and political life. In addition, promoting a culture of respect and appreciation for women and promoting solidarity and self-confidence in Afghan women is also of particular importance. Therefore, in order to achieve these goals, it is necessary that many domestic and international efforts be made and that Afghanistan be freed from the rule of the fundamentalist and misogynist Taliban group and a democratic system be established with the choice and will of the Afghan people so that Afghan women and men can live together in peace and work for the future of the country.

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To everybody who is going to read this message, I can not find the right and exact words to express the situation of Afghan girls, so the words are not able to express the real situation of the girls who are living in Afghanistan for other people who are out of Afghanistan. It is out of imagination. Girls in Afghanistan don't have the permission to go out of home for studying, or for providing the things that they need. If they want to go out, they have to wear the clothes that only their eyes are visible, they should endure all these things only because they are girls in Afghanistan. They are not living, they are only alive and breathing. I'm sure that all the girls wish for themselves to birth a boy because being a girl in Afghanistan is so hard . Being a girl in Afghanistan is like a crime because they are under the order of their father, brother but they are under the control of the government, too. Girls in Afghanistan don't have the right to laugh, to experience love, to live the way that they want, they are not free, they are living like criminals with a lot of hard rules. More than ever, nowadays Afghan girls need help, they need somebody to be their voice, and help them to get out of this situation, and experience a free life. To everybody who is going to read this message: I can not find any fit & exact words to express the situation of Afghan girls, so the words are not able to express the real situation of the girls who are living in Afghanistan for other people who are out of Afghanistan. It is out of imagination. Girls in Afghanistan don't have the permission to go out of home for studying, or for providing the things that they need. If they want to go out, they have to wear the clothes that only their eyes are visible, they should endure all these things only because they are girls in Afghanistan. They are not living, they are only alive and breathing. I'm sure that all the girls wish for themselves to birth a boy because being a girl in Afghanistan is so hard . Being a girl in Afghanistan is like a crime because they are under the order of their father, brother but they are under the control of the government, too. Girls in Afghanistan don't have the right to laugh, to experience love, to live the way that they want, they are not free, they are living like criminals with a lot of hard rules. More than ever, nowadays Afghan girls need help, they need somebody to be their voice, and help them to get out of this hard situation, and experience a free life. Please be a hope for girls in Afghanistan. Please be a hope for girls in Afghanistan. by Sara

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I am F.R. from Afghanistan. At the first I want to show I am grateful of this organization that provided best opportunities for girls to learn knowledge in effective way. By reasons, school are excluded for girls in the community since 2022 due to this problem. Girls can not go on with education as well to achieve their goals. I am really thankful for this opportunity that these sponsors made this chance to become united to learn together. I have participated this best program since I heard about it. This program support me to learn the skill which really I need it to develop. This program assists me to learn something what's effectful on my life. I had to learn things in creative and innovative way, so l made an effort to join this excellent program to continue my education. My last speech is again thanks founder of this organization that provided best opportunity that now girls can learn as soon as possible. by F.R.

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زن که یک انسان فرشته صفت است باید همیشه ارزش برایش داده شود نه تنها در یک روز خاص ،بلکه همیشه و همه جا. در بیشتر و همه نقاط جهان زن ها از ارزش خاصی برخوردارند و در این روز بیشتر از همه .اما زنان افغان که در داخل خانواده‌های افغانستان در قرن بیست‌ویک، مخصوصاً با حاکمیت دوباره‌ی طالبان به‌ عنوان انسان شناخته نمی‌شود چطور ممکن است که اهمیت و ارزش داده شوند . این زنان نیز همواره در فقر اجتماعی و فرهنگی مانده و فرصتی برای پیش‌رفت نداشته‌اند. به‌ دلیل بی‌سوادی، بسیاری از زنان هیچ‌کدام از حقوق خود آگاهی نداشته و از بسیاری حقوق انسانی و اجتماعی خویش محروم بوده‌اند. ۸ مارچ برای ما دختران افغان نا مبارک بوده و است. ما زنان افغان از ابتداییترین حقوق انسانی محرومیم،تجلیل از روز زن نمی‌خواهیم ، حقوق بیشتر از مردان نمی‌خواهیم ، آزادی بیشتری نمی‌خواهیم فقط و فقط حقوق انسانی خود را خواهانیم. نوشته دختر افغان

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A woman, who is an angelic being, should always be valued, not only on a special day, but always and everywhere. In most parts of the world, women are valued, especially on this day. But how can Afghan women, who are not recognized as human beings within their families in Afghanistan in the 21st century, especially under the renewed Taliban rule, be valued? These women have also always remained in social and cultural poverty and have not had the opportunity to progress. Due to illiteracy, many women are not aware of any of their rights and have been deprived of many of their human and social rights. March 8th has been and is a bad day for us Afghan girls. We Afghan women are deprived of the most basic human rights. We do not want to celebrate Women's Day, we do not want more rights than men, we do not want more freedom, we just want our human rights. by Afghan Girl

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جامعه جهانی باید به دختران افغان کمک کند شما بهتر می‌فهمید و از شرایط آگاه هستید اگر همکاری صورت نگیرد این نسل جاهل می‌ماند طالبان نمی‌خواهند زن نقش داشته باشد در جامعه حتی حق تعلیم را از آنها گرفتند ولی نباید اجازه داده شود باید تمام زنان افغان متحد شوند و خود را نجات دهند اگر همه سکوت کند ما شاهد تمام نسل های افغان می‌باشیم که در جهالت بدنیا آمده در جهالت وفات میکنند این حق مسلم ما است ما باید تحصیل خود را ادامه دهیم ما باید کشور خود را از این بحران نجات دهیم اگر این سال نیز مانند سه سال قبل اجازه رفتن به مکتب را برای ما ندهند ما مجبوریم صدا بلند کنیم وقتی صدا بلند کردیم نیز ما را خفه می‌کنند شاهد بودیم چگونه با زنان رفتار می‌کردند جامعه جهانی مکلف است که برای دختران افغان کمک کند طالبان می‌گویند ما مسلمانیم ولی من در جای اسلام و قرآن ندیده ام که نوشته باشد دختر حق تعلیم ندارد این پیام من است شما تمام زنان و مردان دلیر افغان همه ما شاهد این وضعیت هستیم شاهد هستیم حق دخترتان ما حق همسرتان شما چگونه پایمال می‌شود بیاید دست به دست داده کشور را از این بحران نجات دهیم افغانستان را از جهالت فقر نجات دهیم ما آینده سازان این کشور هستیم منتظر کمک نباشید خودتان دست به دست داده کشور تان را بسازید! با احترام نوشته سپیده

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The international community must help Afghan girls. You understand better and are aware of the situation. If there is no cooperation, this generation will remain ignorant. The Taliban does not want women to have a role in society. They have even taken away their right to education. But this must not be allowed to happen. All Afghan women must unite and save themselves. If everyone remains silent, we will witness all generations of Afghans being born in ignorance and dying in ignorance. This is our right. We must continue our education. We must save our country from this crisis. If we are not allowed to go to school this year, as we have not been allowed to for the past three years, we will be forced to raise our voices. When we raise our voices, they will silence us. We have seen how they treat women. The international community is obliged to help Afghan girls. The Taliban say they are Muslims, but I have not seen it written anywhere in Islam or the Quran that girls do not have the right to education. This is my message to you. All you brave Afghan women and men, we are all witnessing this situation. We are witnessing how your daughter's rights, your wife's rights, are being trampled on. Come, let us join hands and save our country from this crisis. Let us save Afghanistan from ignorance and poverty. We are the future builders of this country. Don't wait for help, join hands and build your own country! by Sapideh

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I am writing to you on this International Women's Day, March 8, to share with you the situation and the challenges of women and girls in Afghanistan. As you may know, Afghanistan is facing a humanitarian, human rights, and security crisis, especially after the Taliban takeover in August 2021. The rights and freedoms of women and girls have been severely restricted and violated by the Taliban, who have imposed harsh rules and punishments on them. According to the web search results from the assistant's tool, some of the main issues facing women and girls in Afghanistan are: • Lack of access to education, work, health care, and public life • Increased risk of violence, abuse, forced marriage, and sexual exploitation • Reduced participation and representation in decision-making and peace processes These issues are not only affecting the lives and dignity of women and girls, but also the development and stability of the country and the region. Women and girls are half of the population and have the potential to contribute to the social, economic, and political progress of Afghanistan. However, they are denied their basic rights and opportunities by the Taliban, who do not respect their human rights and international obligations. Despite these challenges, women and girls in Afghanistan have not given up their hope and struggle for their rights and freedoms. They have been raising their voices and taking action to demand their rights and protect their achievements. They have been organizing protests, campaigns, networks, and initiatives to support each other and advocate for their causes. They have been showing courage, resilience, and leadership in the face of adversity and oppression. On this Women's Day, I want to express my solidarity and appreciation to all the women and girls in Afghanistan who are fighting for their rights and dignity. I also want to appeal to you and the international community to stand with us and support us in our struggle. We need your help and cooperation to: • Increase humanitarian assistance and protection for women and girls in Afghanistan • Engage in dialogue and diplomacy with the Taliban and urge them to respect and uphold the rights and freedoms of women and girls • Support civil society and women's rights organizations and activists in Afghanistan • Promote peace and stability in Afghanistan and the region Women and girls in Afghanistan deserve a better future, where they can live in peace, security, and dignity, and enjoy their rights and freedoms. Together, we can make this possible. Thank you for your attention and support. S. Qyumi

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Dear International Community, With a heavy heart and trembling hands, I reach out to you as an Afghan girl, desperate to illuminate the harrowing plight of my sisters and mothers in Afghanistan today. The recent resurgence of the Taliban has cast a shadow over our once hopeful skies, plunging us into an abyss of despair, stripping away our rights, freedoms, and any semblance of a future. For years, we clung to the flickering flame of education, daring to dream of breaking free from the chains of ignorance and oppression. But now, as the Taliban's heavy footsteps echo through the corridors of our schools, extinguishing the light of knowledge, our dreams are reduced to ashes, leaving us to watch helplessly as our hopes crumble before our eyes. The specter of forced marriage looms over us like a dark cloud, suffocating our aspirations and shattering our autonomy. We are traded like cattle in a marketplace, our worth measured in dowries and alliances, our voices silenced by the cruel whims of tradition and patriarchy. Behind closed doors, we endure the horrors of domestic violence, trapped in a never-ending nightmare with no escape in sight. The Taliban's twisted interpretation of Sharia law sanctions our suffering, turning a blind eye to the bruises that stain our bodies and the tears that stain our souls. We are forced to retreat into the shadows, shrouded in veils and confined within the walls of our homes, our dreams and ambitions suffocated by the suffocating grip of extremism. In this darkness, we become invisible, forgotten by the world as it turns its gaze away from our suffering, indifferent to our cries for help. But we refuse to be silenced. We refuse to be erased. We refuse to let our voices be drowned out by the deafening roar of oppression. We are daughters of resilience, sisters of strength, and we will not yield without a fight. We implore you, the international community, to heed our desperate plea, to stand with us in solidarity, and to take decisive action to protect the rights and dignity of Afghan girls and women. We cannot endure this nightmare alone. We need your support, your advocacy, and your unwavering commitment to justice and equality. Please, do not forsake us in our darkest hour. We beseech you to be our voice, our beacon of hope, our salvation. With trembling hands and hopeful hearts. by Dorothia

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Dear esteemed members of the international community, I am writing to you today under the pseudonym Sofia, deeply concerned about the current situation of women's rights in Afghanistan, particularly regarding education. As the world watches, the gains made by Afghan women over the past two decades in accessing education are at risk of being erased, plunging them back into a state of oppression and marginalization. For years, Afghan women have fought tirelessly for their rights, often against great odds. They have bravely stepped into roles as educators, healthcare providers, entrepreneurs, and political leaders, contributing to the development and progress of their nation. Yet, with the recent shift in power dynamics, their hard-won freedoms are under threat like never before. Under Taliban rule, women and girls are facing unimaginable hardships, especially concerning education. Reports of schools being closed to girls, restrictions on female teachers, and the denial of opportunities for higher education are emerging at an alarming rate. The progress made towards gender equality in education is being dismantled, and Afghan women are once again being denied their fundamental right to learn. We cannot stand idly by while the rights and dignity of half of Afghanistan's population are trampled upon, particularly their right to education. The international community must come together with urgency and determination to protect and uphold this essential aspect of women's rights. We must hold the new authorities in Afghanistan accountable for their actions and ensure that women's access to education is not sacrificed in the name of political expediency. There are several immediate steps that must be taken to support Afghan women in this critical time, with a specific emphasis on education: Urgent Support for Educational Infrastructure: We must ensure that schools remain open to all students, regardless of gender, and that adequate resources are provided to support their continued operation. This includes repairing and rebuilding schools damaged during conflict and providing essential supplies and materials. Protection for Female Students and Teachers: Efforts must be made to ensure the safety and security of female students, teachers, and educational staff. This includes implementing measures to prevent harassment, intimidation, and violence against them both inside and outside the classroom. Expansion of Access to Higher Education: We must work to expand access to higher education for Afghan women, including scholarships, vocational training programs, and other opportunities for skill development. This will empower them to pursue their dreams and contribute to the rebuilding of their country. Advocacy for Gender-Inclusive Curricula: We must advocate for gender-inclusive curricula that promote equality, tolerance, and respect for diversity. Education is not only about acquiring knowledge but also about fostering understanding and empathy towards others, regardless of gender. International Collaboration and Solidarity: We must collaborate across borders and sectors to support Afghan women's access to education. This includes partnerships between governments, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, and international agencies to provide financial, technical, and moral support. In closing, I urge each and every one of you to prioritize the protection and promotion of education for Afghan women during this critical moment. Education is not only a fundamental human right but also a powerful tool for empowerment and social change. Together, let us work tirelessly to safeguard the gains made by Afghan women in accessing education and to build a brighter, more equitable future for all. by Sofia

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روز گاز تیره زنان در افغانستان زن دارای عاطفه‌ای شدید توام با احساس است که با ابراز مهربانی و عطوفت آشکار وجودیت خویش را از مرد متمایز می‌سازد که سلامت روانی و جسمانی خانواده و جامعه در گرو مدیریت صحیح این عاطفه است که نقش اساسی در بنیاد آن دو را داراست . در مفهوم ساده‌تر امروزه زنان به عنوان نیمی از جمعیت جامعه نقش بسیار مهم و حیاتی در سلامت و پیشرفت و آرامش جامعه و خانواده دارند ، نقش زن در سلامت روانی جامعه و خانواده و حساسیت این نقش در موفقیت و یا شکست خانواده و جامعه دقیقا همسان و برابر توجه به نیازهای روانی و عاطفی و معنوی زنان است . نقش زنان در جامعه از دوران نوسنگی و انقلاب روستا نشینی بطور واضح خود را نمایان ساخت.آیه‌ی " الرجال قوامون علی النسا " – مردان قایم‌تر و محکم‌ترند بر زنان - از نظر جسمی – آشکار است ، این آیه اشاره به تاثیرپذیری رنگ و روان و لطافت جسمی زنان در برابر سختی‌های روزگار می‌باشد که هشداری است بر مردان به رعایت و ملاحظه‌ی زنان از انجام کارهای سختی که بر آنها سنگینی می‌کند که این توجه‌ای ملاحظه‌ای بر رعایت وضعیت زنان است و از آزادی بخشیده شده سخن می‌گوید همانگونه که در بعضی جوامع غربی تا حدودی شاهد آن آزادی هستیم . و اصلا مفهوم آیه برتری مرد بر زن نیست .با آمدن طالبان نه تنها از خشونت‌ها علیه زنان کاسته نشد بلکه این خشونت‌ها تشدید شد و دختران در سنین پایین خرید و فروش می‌شوند ، با اجبار ازدواج داده می‌شوند و در جامعه برده‌‌ی آتش خشم و انتقام (حمالة الحطب) می‌شوند. و یا جنازه‌های آنان در روی سرک‌ها و آشغال‌ها با دستان بسته پیدا می‌شود...در کل در امارت اسلامی زنان حق کار ندارند ، حق حضور زیاد در اجتماع ندارند . حق تحصیل ندارند. حتی زنان بیوه هم حق ازدواج مجدد ندارند ... طالبان همواره گروه امر به معروف و نهی از منکر خود را ستوده است می‌گویند این گروه در انجام کارهای خود موفق بوده است در حالی که اکثر کار این گروه ایجاد محدودیت بیشتر در قبال زنان و دختران بوده است. اشک در چشمانم حلقه زده و به آینده فکر می‌کنم. آیا آینده‌ای خواهیم داشت؟ ما در کشوری زندگی می‌کنیم که [نمی‌دانیم] صبح چه بر سرمان می‌آید، اما من هنوز امید دارم و باید به بقیه دخترها امید بدهم. نوشته حریر

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Women are endowed with a strong emotional and feeling nature that distinguishes their existence from men through the expression of kindness and compassion. The mental and physical health of the family and society depends on the proper management of this emotion, which plays a fundamental role in the foundation of both. In simpler terms, today women, as half of the population of society, play a very important and vital role in the health, progress, and peace of society and the family. The role of women in the mental health of society and the family and the sensitivity of this role in the success or failure of the family and society is exactly the same as paying attention to the psychological, emotional, and spiritual needs of women. The role of women in society became clearly evident from the Neolithic period and the agricultural revolution. The verse " الرجال قوامون علی النسا " - men are more steadfast and firm over women - is clear from a physical point of view. This verse refers to the susceptibility of women's color and spirit and physical delicacy to the hardships of life, which is a warning to men to observe and consider women from doing hard work that burdens them. This is a considerate attention to the status of women and speaks of the freedom that has been granted, as we see to some extent in some Western societies. And the meaning of the verse is not the superiority of men over women. With the arrival of the Taliban, not only did the violence against women not decrease, but it also increased. Girls are bought and sold at a young age, forced into marriage, and become slaves to the fire of anger and revenge (حمالة الحطب) in society. Or their bodies are found with their hands tied on the streets and in the garbage... In general, in the Islamic Emirate, women have no right to work, no right to be present in society much, and no right to education. Even widows have no right to remarry... The Taliban has always praised its Ministry of Virtue and Vice, claiming that it has been successful in carrying out its work. However, the work of this group has mostly been to create more restrictions for women and girls. Tears well up in my eyes as I think about the future. Will we have a future? We live in a country where [we don't know] what will happen to us in the morning, but I still have hope and I must give hope to other girls. by Harir

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The Restricted Freedom of Women in Afghanistan Under Taliban Rule Since the return of the Taliban to power in the summer of 2021, the freedom of women in Afghanistan has progressively diminished. The Taliban has prohibited girls and women from attending classes beyond the sixth grade in schools, universities, sports facilities, parks, and recently even from working in United Nations organizations. The Taliban government also issued orders to close all women's hair salons, leaving tens of thousands of women unemployed. Additionally, the Taliban mandates that women must dress in a way that only their eyes are visible, and if they travel more than "72" kilometers, they must be accompanied by a male relative. Torbjørn L. Trygstad, Director of the Oslo Center for Research on Gender, Peace, and Security, stated, "Since 2021, being a woman in Afghanistan has claimed the worst ranking globally." He added, "Women in Afghanistan wake up every day without jobs, education, or any independence in their lives. This report should serve as a warning bell for world leaders that all women are in a prison of their own in Afghanistan." However, sources confirm that on Tuesday, coinciding with the first day of the new year in 2024, officials from the Taliban's Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice initiated the arrest and suppression of women in western Kabul. These sources report that Taliban officials detained and imprisoned dozens of women and girls, citing "non-compliance with Taliban hijab" as the reason for their actions. A Kabul correspondent told Deutsche Welle, "Today, when I went to prepare a report, the Taliban gathered women and girls in the Chahar Asyab market in the seventh district of Kabul and at bus stops, detaining them for not wearing masks and veils." According to the correspondent, among the officials of the Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, there are women who, if confronted, resort to using whips against defending girls. Seizing this opportunity, the Taliban has detained young women who came out for shopping, arresting over a hundred girls and transferring them to undisclosed locations. by Azada

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ارزش و جایگاه زن در جامعه از موضوعات است که همیشه مورد بحث قرار گرفته.8مارچ به مناسبت روز زن در سراسر جهان تجلیل میشود ولی ما دختران افغان نمیتوانیم برخوردار باشیم از اولین حق هر انسان که حق کار و تحصیل است.ما هر روز با یک چالش جدید روبرو میشویم و تمام اینها یک بحران بزرگ است که همه ما واقعا متاثر استیم.در چند ماه گذشته محدودیت های زیادی بالای دختران افغان وضع شده تا حد این که ما در خانه مثل یک زندانی زندگی میکنیم و حق بیرون رفتن از خانه را نداریم.خوب این آرزو هر شخص است که پیشرفت داشته باشد در زندگی خود ولی دختران افغان نمیتوانند من منحیث یک دختر افغان که در افغانستان زندگی میکند بسیار غمگین استم برای اینکه من آرزوهای زیاد دارم برای خود ولی با وجود این شرایط فکر میکنم به هیچ یک آنها نخواهد برسم. بناً خواست من از جامعه جهانی این است که در کنار دختران افغان ایستاده باشد برای رفع این محدودیت ها کشورهای سهم گیری نمودند ولی هیچ تغییری در شرایط زندگی برای زنان و دختران نیامده است. وخاصتاً لطفا تمرکز خود را از دختران افغان از دست ندهید و به صدای زنان فراموش گشته افغانستان گوش دهید. نوشته M...~R

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The value and position of women in society is a topic that has always been debated. March 8 is celebrated as International Women's Day all over the world, but we Afghan girls cannot enjoy the first right of every human being, which is the right to work and education. We face a new challenge every day, and all of this is a big crisis that we are all really affected by. In the past few months, many restrictions have been imposed on Afghan girls, to the extent that we live in our homes like prisoners and do not have the right to go outside. It is the desire of every person to progress in their life, but Afghan girls cannot. I, as an Afghan girl living in Afghanistan, am very sad because I have many dreams for myself, but with these conditions, I don't think I will be able to achieve any of them. Therefore, my request from the international community is to stand with Afghan girls. Countries have participated in lifting these restrictions, but there has been no change in the living conditions for women and girls. And especially, please do not lose your focus on Afghan girls and listen to the voices of the forgotten women of Afghanistan. by M…~R

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همه چیز خوب بود داشتم کم کم روز های سختی را که تا اینجا ها رسیده بودم فراموش نه بلکه در مقابل شان بی تفاوت میشدم و به حال و آینده زندگی ام را بنا کرده بودم فکر میکردم دیگر هیچ کس و هیچ چیزی مرا از اهدافم باز نمی‌دارد خیال میکردم هیچ مانعی سد راهم قرار نمی‌گیرد و من می‌توانم تا انتهای خوشبختی و موفقیت خودم را به پیش ببرم ولی انگار همه چیز خلاف میلم اتفاق افتاد، گویا این بار هم زمین و آسمان دست شان را یکی کردند تا مرا به روزهای تلخ گذشته بازگرداند و برایم گوشزد کنند که تو نمیتوانی موفق شوی چون دختری. وقتی از روز های تلخ گذشته زبان باز میکنم مرا می‌برد به عمق آن روز های سیاهی که شب گونه بودند و احساس می‌کردم پس از آن سیاهی ها روشنی در کار نیست، یادم می‌آید که با چه شوقی راه مکتب را در پیش میگرفتم از همان آوان کودکی آرزوهای بلند و اهداف بزرگ در من جوانه میزد و مرا به شور و اشتیاق تلاش های خستگی ناپذیر سوق میداد، با آنکه از همان آغاز اگر گاهی زبان میگشودم که کتاب برای خواندن یا کتابچه یی برای نوشتن ندارم مرا با گفتن این جمله که( پس مکتب نرو و درس نخوان) در هم میشکستند ولی حاضر بودم حرف هایشان را نادیده بگیرم و با همان تجهیزات اندکی که داشتم به درس خواندنم ادامه بدهم، چون اول نمره صنف بودم همیشه استادانم مرا با دادن هدایایی از قبیل قلم، کتابچه یا کیف مکتب تشویق می‌کردند و گاهی اوقات از همان هدایا برای ادامه دادن به مکتب رفتن استفاده می‌کردم زندگی و روز های مکتبم به همین منوال می‌گذشت تا اینکه صنف دهم مکتب مجبور به وداع گفتن و خداحافظی کردن با آن همه خاطره و تجربیات در هرات شدم و همراه با فامیل عازم کابل پایتخت افغانستان شدیم و من باز هم به رفتن به مکتب و درس خواندن ادامه دادم در آنجا هم نیز دوستانی را پیدا کردم و استادانم مرا بیشتر از قبل دوست داشتند و برایم محبت می‌دادند و باز هم چون اول نمره صنف بودم نامم(الهام) زبانزد تمامی اساتید مکتب شده بود الهامی که این مسیر را با مشقت طی کرده بود و باز هم روز های مکتب که خوشترین روز های حیاتم بود می‌گذشت و کم کم داشتم به آزمون کانکور، آزمونی که آینده ام را رقم میزد و مرا وارد مرحله جدیدی از زندگی می‌کرد نزدیک میشدم، اوایل سال تعلیمی بود و همه همصنفانم برای شمولیت در آزمون کانکور فورم شمولیت اخذ کردند الا من، منی که بنابر مشکلاتی یا اگه واضح تر بگویم تهی دستی پدرم نمی‌توانستم در آموزشگاه‌های آمادگی کانکور شرکت کنم، تا اینکه صنف دوازدهم هم به پایان رسید و باز هم به عنوان اولنمره عمومی در تمام مکتب فارغ شده بودم و حالا تقریبا شش یا هفت ماه به برگذاری آزمون کانکور مانده بود و با خودم فکر کردم در این مدت اگه بخواهم میتوانم خودم را به امتحان کانکور آماده کنم بدون اینکه به آموزشگاه بروم و در آنجا آمادگی کانکور را بخوانم و همین حرفم شد و فردا رفتم برای اخذ فورم شمولیت، فورم را گرفتم و بطرف خانه راهی شدم تا رسیدنم در خانه باز هم صدها آرزو در من ریشه میدوانید و زیر لبم زمزمه میکردم(الهام با بهترین نمره دانشجوی دانشکده اقتصاد معرفی شد) وای که چقدر این جمله مرا به هیجان وا می‌داشت و شاید بخاطر همین جمله شب و روزم را بدون وقفه درس می‌خواندم تا کامیاب شوم، به یاد دارم شب های زمستانی را که بدون بخاری زیر کمپل با چراغ دستی که پدرم برایم گرفته بود تا اذان نماز صبح بدون اینکه پلکی بزنم کتاب هایم را مطالعه میکردم سرم را ازکمپل بیرون نمیزدم مبادا خواهرم بی خواب شود و بعد از ادای نماز صبح، دیگر مانع چشمانم شده نمی‌توانستم گاهی حتی از فرط خواب آلودگی به روی سجاده خوابم میبرد زمستان را به همین منوال سر کردم و کم کم به آزمون سراسری کانکور نزدیک میشدم با هر روز نزدیک شدنم به آزمون، ساعات درسی ام بیشتر و ساعات خورد و نوش و استراحتم کمتر و کمتر میشد تا اینکه بلاخره یک هفته دیگر به امتحان مانده بود و باید میرفتیم برای بایمتریک و بعضی کارهای شمولیت در امتحان، وقتی رفتم در یکی از آموزشگاه های درسی برای بایمتریک کردن با دیدن جمعیتی عظیم ترس و دلهره سراپای وجودم را فرا گرفته بود با خودم میگفتم این جمیعتی که همه شان در آموزشگاه های آمادگی کانکور درس خواندند و آمادگی دارند محال است که بتوانم کامیاب شوم چه برسد به اینکه به رشته دلخواهم کامیاب شوم، با همان افکار خودم را تا خانه رساندم و تا اینکه یک هفته هم به سرعت برق گذشت و رسیدیم به روز آزمون، روزیکه تمام جوانان و نوجوانان کشورم این روز را برایشان سرنوشت ساز می‌دانستند و هر کس برایش خواب هایی میدید وقتی وارد دانشگاه شدم برای اخذ آزمون سراسری کانکور با دیدن این همه داوطلب باز هم لرزه بر اندامم افتاد ولی خودم را آرام ساختم و ورق امتحان را گرفتم و شروع کردم به حل کردن سؤالات، جواب هایم که تمام شدند آمدم و باید پنج رشته تحصیلی را مطابق میل خودت انتخاب میکردی و من اولین انتخابم همانی بود که آرزویش را داشتم با هزاران دل و نادل اقتصاد دانشگاه دولتی کابل را انتخاب کردم ولی با آن نمره ی بلندی که داشت کاملا امیدم را برای راه یافتن درآن دانشکده از دست داده بودم بلاخره هر چه که بود امتحان را دادم و راه خانه را در پیش گرفتم و برای دیدن نتايج باید یک ماه را انتظار میکشدیم در این مدت شاید مثل من همه دلهره داشتند که چه خواهد شد تا اینکه روز اعلام نتایج فرارسید همه برای دیدن نتایج شان باید آی دی های مشخص شده شان را در اینترنت جستجو می‌کردند با دیدن نتیجه ام مات و مبهوت مانده بودم باورم نمیشد در اولین انتخابم و در رشته تحصیلی دلخواهم کامیاب شوم ولی باید باور میکردم که در دانشکده اقتصاد دانشگاه کابل راه یافته ام. آن شب را از شدت خوشحالی چشم بهم نزدم شکر گذار خداوند بودم برای اینکه توانستم یک بار دیگر معجزه اش را در زندگی ام احساس کنم فردایش رفتم و برای شمولیت در صنوف دانشگاه باید طی مراحل می کردیم و تا اینکه درس هایمان به گونه رسمی آغاز یافت و من محصل دانشکده اقتصاد شده بودم دوستانی را برایم پیدا کرده بودم روزهایمان با درس خواندن و تفریح کردن خوش می‌گذشت تمام روزم را با دوستانم می‌گذراندم گاهی با درس خواندن در فضای سبز دانشگاه و گاهی هم در رستورانت قصه کردن درباره رویا ها و آینده مان. ولی انگار همه چیز مان را ربودند داستان از سال سوم دانشگاه شروع می‌شود سالی که فکر میکردم به چند قدمی خواب ها و آرزوهایم رسیدم و اندکی تا به دست آوردن شان باقیست ولی همه چیز ناگهان به گونه یی دیگری رقم خورد، صبح روز یکشنبه در پانزدهم ماه آگست سال 2021 میلادی خانه را به قصد دانشگاه ترک کردم از چند روز پیش خبر تصرف کابل بدست طالبان همه جا پخش شده بود همه می‌گفتند در فلان روز طالبان وارد کابل خواهند شد پدرم وقت بیرون شدنم گفت امروز دانشگاه نرو اوضاع نابسامان است و مبادا اتفاقی بیفتد لبخندی زدم و از منزل بیرون شدم تا رسیدن در دانشگاه هزاران فکر و اندیشه مرا از درون می‌خورد و دعا میکردم امروز همان روز شومی که همه می‌گفتند نباشد تا اینکه وارد دانشگاه شدم به محض ورود در دانشگاه متوجه شدم که خیلی ها چون من عاشق تحصیل و آرزوهایشان هستند رفتیم و با دوستانم وارد ایدیتوریم بزرگ فاکولته اقتصاد شدیم در آنجا دو یا سه صنف را یکجا می‌کردند تا استاد برایشان تدریس کند آن روز حضور محصلین کمرنگ تر از روز های قبل بود انگار حسی به همه گفته بود کابل تصرف خواهد شد، صنف ختم شد و برای صرف صبحانه که غذای چاشت هم محسوب می‌شد به رستورانت مقابل دروازه انجینیری دانشگاه رفتیم بعد از گرفتن فرمایشات مان منتظر آوردن غذای مان شدیم که در همان وقفه کوتاه صدای زنگ موبایل هایمان بلند شد و خبر تسلط کابل را برایمان دادند بهت زده شده بودیم به محض ورود به دانشگاه چهره های پریشان و ژولیده اساتید و دانشجویان دلهره را در وجودم بیشتر ساخت گویا اتفاق بزرگی در راه است همه طرف دروازه های دانشگاه می‌رفتند تا از دانشگاه خارج شوند و خودشان را به منازل شان برسانند من هم با دوستانم طرف یکی از دروازه های دانشگاه رفتم مسیر خانه های بسیاری از دانشجویان از دانشگاه دور تربود و باید با وسیله‌یی خودشان را به مقصد می‌رسانند ولی آن روز گویی قلب ها همه از سنگ شده بود هیچکس حاضر نمیشد تا دانشجویان را به خانه هایشان برساند در راه از دوستانم جدا شدم این جدایی وحشت را در درونم بیشتر ساخت و با اشک هایی که بروی گونه هایم جاری بود دوان دوان طرف خانه در حرکت بودم آن روز شبکه های مخابراتی را هم قطع کرده بودند نه موفق به زنگ زدن میشدم و نه فامیلم می‌توانستند احوالم را جویا شوند تا ساعاتی طی مسیر، خودم را به منزل رساندم و آن روز را بدترین روز زندگیم مسمی ساختم روزیکه آرزوهایم برایم قول نرسیدن دادند و اهدافم در گوشم تحقق نیافتن را زمزمه می‌کردند، در آن شب ها آسمان کابل را طیاره های نظامی ایالات متحده آمریکا احاطه کرده بود داشت همه سربازانش را از افغانستان بیرون می‌کرد فردایش خبر فرار اشرف غنی رئیس جمهور کشور به گوش همه رسید گویا همه داشتند به نحوی در این هیاهو تنهایمان می‌گذاشتند با فرار رئیس جمهور و همکارانش امید مان هم به فنا رفت دیگر کسی نبود برایمان بجنگد، کسی نبود حمایت مان کند، کسی نبود دروازه های دانشگاه ها و مکاتب را بگشاید، همه باید در خانه هایشان می‌بودند و کسی جرات بیرون شدن را نداشت وهم همه جا را فرا گرفته بود از آنروز ببعد دیگر نتوانستم دانشگاه بروم و درس بخوانم اینک دو سال و چند ماه از حکومت طالبان در افغانستان می‌گذرد و من همچنان در انزوا بسر میبرم دیگر از رفتن و نرسیدن خسته شده ام نمی‌دانم به کدامین گناه از رفتن به دانشگاه محروم شدم تنها مسیر پیشرفتم که روزی تا اوج خوشبختی می‌رسید حالا آشپزخانه و غذا پختن شده است نه راهی برای رهایی از این دغدغه هاست و نه هم کسی که مرا بفهمد و کمک کند تا آرزوهایم را دنبال کنم. گویا ما برای آرزو کردن و نرسیدن به دنیا آمده ایم ولی با این همه غم که در چشمانم هویداست روزی فریاد خواهم زد (بله بلاخره موفق شدم) زیرا درخت سبز صبر در وجودم می‌گوید امیدی هست خدایی هست... چکیده‌ی از زندگی ام تحت شرایط طالبانی ... نوشته آروزیش به فنا رفت

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Everything was fine. I was gradually forgetting the difficult days that I had been through, or rather, I was becoming indifferent to them. I was thinking about building my present and future life. I thought that no one and nothing could stop me from achieving my goals. I thought that no obstacle would stand in my way and that I could pursue my happiness and success to the end. But it seems that everything happened against my will. It seems that this time too, the earth and the sky joined hands to return me to the bitter days of the past and remind me that you cannot succeed because you are a girl. When I talk about the bitter days of the past, it takes me to the depths of those dark days that were like night and I felt that there was no light after those dark days. I remember how eagerly I took the path to school. From childhood, high hopes and big goals sprouted in me and drove me to the excitement and passion of tireless efforts. Although from the very beginning, if I sometimes said that I did not have a book to read or a notebook to write, they would break me by saying this sentence (then don't go to school and don't study). But I was willing to ignore their words and continue my studies with the few resources I had. Because I was the first student in the class, my teachers always encouraged me by giving me gifts such as pens, notebooks or school bags, and sometimes I used those gifts to continue going to school. My life and school days went on like this until I was forced to say goodbye to the tenth grade of school and all those memories and experiences in Herat and moved to Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan with my family. I continued to go to school and study there. There too I made friends and my teachers loved me more than before and showed me affection. And again, because I was the first student in the class, my name (Elham) became the talk of all the teachers in the school. Elham, who had traveled this path with difficulty, and again the days of school, which were the happiest days of my life, were passing by and I was gradually getting closer to the university entrance exam, the exam that would shape my future and take me to a new stage of life. It was the beginning of the academic year and all my classmates had taken the entrance exam form except me, me who could not attend the university entrance exam preparation courses due to my father's problems or to be more clear, poverty. Until the twelfth grade came to an end and I had again graduated as the first overall student in the whole school. And now there were about six or seven months left until the university entrance exam and I thought to myself that if I wanted to, I could prepare myself for the exam without going to a training center and studying there. And that's what I said and the next day I went to get the application form. I took the form and headed home. Until I got home, hundreds of wishes were still taking root in me and I whispered under my breath (Elham was introduced as the best student in the Faculty of Economics). Oh, how much this sentence excited me and maybe that's why I studied day and night without interruption to be successful. I remember the winter nights when I would study my books under a blanket without a heater with a flashlight that my father had bought for me until the morning prayer without blinking an eye. I would not take my head out of the blanket for fear of waking my sister up. And after the morning prayer, I could no longer resist my eyes. Sometimes I would even fall asleep on the prayer rug from sleepiness. I spent the winter like this and gradually got closer to the national university entrance exam. With each day closer to the exam, my study hours increased and my eating and resting hours decreased. Until finally one week was left before the exam and we had to go for biometrics and some other exam registration. When I went to one of the training centers for biometrics, seeing a huge crowd of people, I was filled with fear and panic. I thought to myself that it is impossible for all these people who have all studied in university entrance exam preparation courses to be successful, let alone be successful in my desired field. I took myself home with the same thoughts until a week passed like lightning and we reached the day of the exam, the day that all the young people and teenagers in my country considered to be fateful for them and everyone had dreams for it. When I entered the university to take the university entrance exam, seeing all these candidates, I trembled again, but I calmed myself down and took the exam paper and started solving the questions. When my answers were finished, I came and had to choose five majors according to your desire. My first choice was the one I had always dreamed of. With a thousand hopes and desires, I chose the Faculty of Economics at Kabul University. But with the high score I had, I had completely lost hope of getting into that faculty. Anyway, I took the exam and headed home. We had to wait a month to see the results. During that time, perhaps everyone was as anxious as I was about what would happen. Finally, the day of the results arrived. Everyone had to search for their specific IDs on the internet to see their results. When I saw my result, I was stunned. I couldn't believe that I had succeeded in my first choice and in my desired field of study. But I had to believe that I had been admitted to the Faculty of Economics at Kabul University. That night, I couldn't sleep for joy. I was grateful to God for letting me feel his miracle in my life once again. The next day, I went to the university to complete the admission process, and before long, our classes officially began. I had made friends, and our days were filled with studying and having fun. I spent all day with my friends, sometimes studying in the university's green spaces and sometimes in the restaurant, talking about our dreams and futures. But it seems like everything was taken away from us. The story begins in the third year of university, the year I thought I was just a few steps away from my dreams and aspirations, and only a little bit away from achieving them. But everything suddenly turned out differently. On Sunday morning, August 15, 2021, I left home for university. The news of the Taliban's capture of Kabul had been spreading everywhere for a few days. Everyone was saying that the Taliban would enter Kabul on such and such a day. When I was leaving, my father said, "Don't go to university today. The situation is bad. Something might happen." I smiled and left the house. On my way to the university, a thousand thoughts and worries were eating away at me from the inside. I prayed that today would not be the bad day that everyone was talking about. Finally, I arrived at the university. As soon as I entered, I realized that many people, like me, were in love with their studies and their dreams. We went and joined my friends in the large auditorium of the Faculty of Economics. There, two or three classes were combined so that the professor could teach them. That day, the attendance of the students was lower than in previous days. It was as if a feeling had told everyone that Kabul would be captured. The class ended, and we went to the restaurant in front of the university's engineering gate to have breakfast, which also served as lunch. After ordering our food, we were waiting for it to be brought when the sudden sound of our cell phones ringing broke the silence. The news of the fall of Kabul was delivered to us. We were shocked. As soon as we entered the university, the distraught and disheveled faces of the professors and students increased the anxiety in my being. It seemed like something big was about to happen. Everyone was heading towards the gates of the university to leave and go home. I also went with my friends to one of the gates of the university. The homes of many students were far from the university, and they had to take a vehicle to get there. But that day, it was as if everyone's hearts had turned to stone. No one was willing to take the students home. On the way, I separated from my friends. This separation increased the fear inside me, and with tears streaming down my cheeks, I ran towards home. That day, the telecommunications networks were also cut off. I could neither make calls nor could my family inquire about my well-being. After walking for hours, I finally reached home. That day was the worst day of my life. The day my dreams were promised not to be fulfilled, and my goals whispered in my ear that they would not be achieved. That night, the skies of Kabul were surrounded by US military planes. They were evacuating all their soldiers from Afghanistan. The next day, the news of the escape of Ashraf Ghani, the country's president, reached everyone's ears. It was as if everyone was somehow leaving us alone in this chaos. With the escape of the president and his colleagues, our hopes were also dashed. There was no one left to fight for us, no one to support us, no one to open the gates of universities and schools. Everyone had to stay in their homes, and no one dared to go out. Fear had gripped everyone. From that day on, I was no longer able to go to university and study. Two years and several months have now passed since the Taliban's rule in Afghanistan, and I am still living in isolation. I am tired of going and not reaching my goals. I do not know what sin I have committed to be deprived of going to university. The only path to my progress, which once led to the pinnacle of happiness, has now become the kitchen and cooking. There is no way to escape these worries, and there is no one to understand me and help me follow my dreams. It seems as if we were born to dream and never achieve. But with all the sadness that is evident in my eyes, I will one day cry out (Yes, I finally succeeded!) because the green tree of patience in my being says there is hope, there is God... A summary of my life under the Taliban... by 'Her Hopes Were Crushed'

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جامعه جهانی گرامی من دخترم. دختر از بین مردم و از قلب افغانستان، دختری که ۲۴ سال عمر دارد و مانند هزاران دختر افغان دیگر که در افغانستان زندگی کرده است و هنوزم زندگی میکند. قرار بود در سن ۲۳ ساله گی دانشگاه ام را تمام کنم و نتیجه ۱۶ سال از زحماتی را که با هزاران مشکلات پشت سر گذشتانده ام را ببینم و با هزاران امید و اهداف جدید قدم به مسیر جدید از زندگی ام بگذارم اما متاسفانه که دو سال گذشت و در روز های آغازین سال سوم هستیم که من از درس و ادامه تحصیلاتم بازمانده ام این که من این درد و نا امیدی را با چه سنگینی تحمل میکنم جز من و هزاران دختر افغان همانند من کسی نمیداند و نمیتواند هم درک کند. یک فرد را شخصی میتواند درک کند که مسیر و زندگی همان شخص را تجربه کرده باشد و رفته باشد‌. آیا کسی میتواند درک کند زمانی را مسافت طولانی را با پای پیاده از خانه تا محله آموزشی آمادگی کانکور ام طی می نمودم و دوباره همان مسافت طولانی را برمیگشتم، زمانی را که از شدت گرسنه گی دست و پای من میلرزید و من پولی جز ده افغانی نداشتم تا چیزی بخورم وقت یادم می آمد ساعت هفت شام به خانه میرسم باید این پول را مصرف راه ام کنم. چی کسی میخواهد این را درک کند و سختی های من را تحمل کند تا از درد من آگاه شود؟ من که خوشبخت بودم همان ده افغانی را نیز داشتم تا در هوای سرد و برفی بتوانم مصرف راهم کنم و شدت گرسنه گی را تحمل کنم ولی وای به حال آن دختر معصوم که پدر نداشت و یتیم بود حتی نان به خوردن نداشت و کفش به پوشیدن آیا میتوانید فقط یک ثانیه را خرچ تحمل این لحظه سخت مان کنید؟ هنوز هم ما دختران افغانیم که این بدترین لحظات و شرایط و ظلمی را تحمل میکنیم که حتی نقش در تعین این وضعیت نداشتم و اجازه هم نداریم که این وضعیت را تغییر دهیم و حتی حرفی بزنیم. جامعه جهانی گرامی، سوال من از شما این است آیا خانم و یا دختر خانمی را که در کنفرانس های بنام دختران افغان و دفاع از حق دختر افغان منحیث نماینده مان انتخاب میکنید و بحث و گفتگو میکنید میتواند فقط یک ثانیه از این درد ما را تجربه کند و بتواند درک کند چی سنگینی آرزو و امید های دفن شده مارا حمل کند؟ با چی اصول و مشخصات آن هارا نماینده مان میگوید؟ مگر درد و مشکل کدامین مان را شنیده اند و حل نموده اند؟ من که ۲۴ سال عمرم را در افغانستان زندگی نمودم روزی ندیدم فقط یک آنها از من بپرسد تو منحیث دختر افغان که حق آموزش ات امروزه پایمال شده چی میخواهی تا صدای تو را بلند بسازم؟ اصلا من را هیچ، آیا میتواند درد آن خانم بیوه یی را که طفل یتیمش را با هزاران وعده که فردا سیر خواهی شد با شکم گرسنه میخواباند و از صبح فردا هم امیدی ندارد که غذای برای طفل اش میرسد یا نه درک کند و تحمل کند مشکلاتش را بیان کند؟ آیا میتواند درد مادری را که به دلیل گرفتاری و کشتن یگانه فرزندش را به جرم نظامی حکومت سابق تحمل کند؟ آیا میتواند درد مادری را که به دلیل بیکاری و فقر فرزند خود را در راه پر از خطر هر نوع حتی قاچاق اعضای بدن انسان و آینده نامعلوم از بغل جدا نموده مسافر میسازد؟ آیا میتواند درد آن تجربه تلخ دختر که از کنج زندان حکومت DFA بیرون شده و یا در زندان است به جرم خواستن حق اش (آموزش) را تحمل کند و داشته باشد و امروزه با القاب زشت آن دخترا را صدا میزنند؟ اصلا که نه نه، توانایی و قند حتی شنیدن این همه درد خانم ها و زنان تنها رها شده افغان را ندارد چی برسد به درک نمودن این درد سنگین. درخواست من از شما این است کسی را که منحیث نماینده مان انتخاب میکنید تا بلندگو صدای زن افغان باشد از درد همه زن های افغان آگاه باشد و درک کند، از درد مردم باشد از بین مردم باشد و برای مردم باشد. کسی را منحیث بلند گو مان انتخاب کنید که توانایی شنیدن صدای مان را داشته باشند نه اینکه با متن زر و زرینی بنام من و مایان نماینده شده است که در آن حتی از مت پرسیده نشده چی میخواهی؟ همیشه وقت وضعیت بحرانی و بدی رخ میدهد همه ملت ها بدنبال راه حل آن میروند چرا کوشش مان این نباشد تا عامل این بحران را شناسایی کنیم و نابود کنیم؟ اینکه سالهاست زنان افغان همیشه سرکوب بوده اند و هزاران فرد بنام من که دختر افغانم نماینده شده اند و صدا بلند نمودند ولی هنوزهم نیز من در همان وضعیت قرار دارم از شدت نا امیدی که ۳ سال پیش داشتم آینده مان چی خواهد شد و تا وضعیت هولناک امروز که هنوزهم میگویم به دادمان کی خواهد رسید؟ جامعه جهانی گرامی! وضعیت ما دختران افغان را بر لحظه یی هم که شده جدی تر از دیروز درک نماید و عامل این بحران را حل کنید مطمعین هستیم با نابود عامل آن از این بحران و شرایط هولناک و وحشتناک بیرون خواهیم شد. امروزه اشخاصی با افکار پوچ و افراطی در سرزمین من حکومت میکنند که بر این تلاش اند تا جامعه بسازند که صرف از طبقه ذکور باشد مگر امکان دارد؟ در هنگام تعامل با این چنین طبقه باید سوالی را یکبار هم از تقلید مردم که زبانش را هم نمیدانند چیست از منطق و عقل خود جواب دهند بفرماید مثال دهید جامعه را که فقط جنس ذکور در آن رشد نموده باشد؟ به سرکوب مان خاتمه دهند اگر مارا اجنبی میبینند و حتی انسان خطاب نمیکنند و به زبان مان نمیفهمند شاید به زبان شما بفهمند. اگرم زبان من را میفهمند میدانم در داخل افغانستان جواب صدای من یا گلوله به پیشانی من است‌ و یا ادامه زندگی ام را در کنج زندانی که دیگر روشنی نور آفتاب را هم نخواهم دید و یا در عقد نکاح پیر مردی با هزاران افکار پوچ به بهانه های مختلف که خواهران من امروزه با همان بهانه ها شرایط ناگوار را تحمل کرده اند و روبرو میشوند. اگر شما امروز مدافع صدای مایان نشوید فردا افغانستان با مرده های متحرک گنگه خواهید دید. ما دختران افغان را تنها رها نکنید. نوشته عزیزی

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I am a girl. A girl from the people and from the heart of Afghanistan, a girl who is 24 years old and has lived and still lives in Afghanistan like thousands of other Afghan girls. I was supposed to finish my university at the age of 23 and see the results of 16 years of hard work that I went through with thousands of problems, and with thousands of hopes and new goals, I would step into a new path of my life. Unfortunately, two years have passed and we are in the early days of the third year that I have been left behind from my studies and education. No one knows and cannot understand how I bear this pain and despair with such heaviness, except me and thousands of Afghan girls like me. A person can only be understood by someone who has experienced and gone through the same path and life. Can anyone understand the time I used to walk a long distance from home to my neighborhood to prepare for the university entrance exam and then walk back the same long distance? The time when my hands and feet were shaking from hunger and I had no money but ten Afghanis to eat something. When I remembered that I would get home at seven in the evening, I had to spend this money on my way. Who wants to understand this and bear my hardships to be aware of my pain? I was lucky that I had the same ten Afghanis to spend on my way in the cold and snowy weather and to bear the hunger. But alas for that innocent girl who had no father and was an orphan, she did not even have bread to eat and shoes to wear. Can you spend just a second to bear this difficult moment of ours? We are still Afghan girls who endure these worst moments, conditions and injustice that we did not even have a role in determining this situation and we are not even allowed to change this situation and even say a word. Dear international community, my question to you is, can the lady or girl you choose as a representative and discuss in the conferences in the name of Afghan girls and defending the rights of Afghan girls experience just a second of our pain and be able to understand what a heavy burden of buried hopes and aspirations we carry? With what principles and characteristics do you call them our representatives? Have they heard and solved the pain and problems of any of us? I have lived in Afghanistan for 24 years, and I have never seen anyone ask me, as an Afghan girl whose right to education has been trampled on, what I want to do to raise my voice. Can anyone even understand the pain of a widowed woman who puts her orphan child to bed hungry with a thousand promises that they will be full tomorrow, and has no hope from tomorrow morning that food will reach her child or not? Can anyone understand the pain of a mother who has to endure the arrest and killing of her only son for the crime of being a soldier in the former government? Can anyone understand the pain of a mother who, due to unemployment and poverty, separates her child from her side and sends them on a dangerous journey, even to the point of trafficking human organs and an unknown future? Can anyone understand and bear the pain of that bitter experience of a girl who has been released from the prison of the DFA government or is in prison for the crime of demanding her right (education), and who is now called by ugly names? No, they do not. They do not even have the ability or the courage to listen to all the pain of the abandoned Afghan women and girls, let alone understand this heavy pain. My request to you is that whoever you choose as our representative to be the loudspeaker of the Afghan woman's voice should be aware of and understand the pain of all Afghan women. They should be from the people, for the people, and for the people. Choose someone as our loudspeaker who has the ability to hear our voices, not someone who has become a representative with a golden text in the name of me and us, without even asking me what I want. Why don't we try to identify and eliminate the cause of this crisis, instead of always looking for solutions when a crisis or bad situation occurs? For years, Afghan women have been suppressed, and thousands of people have become representatives in my name, as an Afghan girl, and have raised their voices, but I am still in the same situation. From the despair I had three years ago about what our future will be, to the horrific situation today, I still say, when will our help come? by Azizi

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با تمام تجربیات که در دو سال اخیر زندگیم منحیث یک دختر افغان داشته ام ، به این باور رسیدم که ما دختران افغان تنها هستیم و‌هیچکس و هیچ سازمان و هیچ گروه حامی واقعی ما نیست ، فقط در حد شعار و در حد منفعت خودشان است و تا جایی که به اهداف پروژه وی یا سیاسی و یا استراتژیک خود برسند. در هر عرصه و هر سازمان و در هر گروه، اولین قربانی و اصلی ترین گروه محروم ، خانم ها هستند. منحیث یک دختر جوان افغان که شاهد پرچالش ترین اتفاقات در طول ۲۴ سال زندگی خود بودم و دو سال اخیر زندگیم بدترین سال های عمرم بود، با وجود این همه به هر ریسمانی چنگ زدم تا مغلوب این شرایط نشوم . صاحب وظیفه بودم در یکی از یو ان اجنسی ها ، بنابر دلایلی به کمبود بودجه مواجه شد ، اولین اقدام که انجام دادند منفک ساختن تمام کارمندان زن بود ، هیچ کارمند طبقه ذکور وظیفه خود را از دست نداد و مسئولیت های ما به کارمندان ذکور سپرده شد و بر ما گفته شد هرگاه پروژه جدید و فند جدید بدست آوردیم شما را میخواهیم. این است اقدامات نماینده های جامعه جهانی برای خانم ها. پ.ن: لطفاً خانم ها را به عنوان ابزار برای دستیابی به اهداف سازمانی و سیاسی خود، مورد استفاده قرار ندهید. نوشته فولادین

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Based on all the experiences I have had in the past two years of my life as an Afghan girl, I have come to the belief that we Afghan girls are alone. No one, no organization, and no group is our real supporter. They only support us in words and for their own benefit, until they achieve their project, political or strategic goals. In every field, organization, and group, women are the first victims and the main marginalized group. As a young Afghan girl who has witnessed the most challenging events in my 24 years of life, and the last two years of my life have been the worst years of my life, despite all this, I have clung to every rope so that I do not succumb to these circumstances. I was employed in one of the UN agencies. Due to budget constraints, the first action they took was to dismiss all female employees. No male employee lost his job, and our responsibilities were assigned to male employees. We were told that we would be called back when they got a new project and new funding. This is what the representatives of the international community do for women. P.S.: Please do not use women as a tool to achieve your organizational and political goals. by Fuladin

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A Girl from the spring season with beautiful and pleasant dreams writing this… Being an Afghan woman/girl is not easy… you are punished for a sin you didn’t make , you can’t raise your voice and share your thoughts, you can’t have access to your basic rights and if you dare and inquire your rights you will be punished in the worst possible way. For most of us, we can’t share our thoughts even with our family with our own parents and siblings, you must keep silent in order to be alive, you must bury and forget your dreams in order to breathe… For me , I was dreaming of being a designer. I have talent in designing clothes for both girls and boys, combination of colors and also I love decorating houses both in ancient and modern ways. I had plan to study designing and business both in order to start my own business one day. But currently I can’t continue my dream and I am studying midwifery for 2 years because this is the only feasible way to continue studying by the way. We struggle everyday more and more with the restrictions that Taliban bring in our daily life. We are afraid , we are afraid of them and everything depends on them, they are so pessimistic about girls. Who can enjoy their life here in Afghanistan, whereas hundreds of women are imprisoned in Taliban’s prisons because they raise their voice and did not tolerate the fortune that Taliban has figured out for them. They are gonna die under the Taliban’s torture and assault. In other countries, women are proud of being women and powerful but in Afghanistan, there are no women and girls that didn’t wish for being man. We are punished because of our gender and we don’t have the permission to access our basic rights , we can’t laugh out loud , we can’t go out with our friends, we can’t dress up as we want and we don’t have the right to continue our own dreams. There is no women's day for women/girls in Afghanistan. The current government will not let women celebrate because they have the belief that this is the culture of non-Muslims. But… this all will end soon undoubtedly , we continue surviving and we will come back stronger. Happy women’s day to the all women around the world specially for the women of Afghanistan !🇦🇫❤️ by A Girl from the Spring Season

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In the name of God, I am ..., a girl from the land of unfulfilled beliefs and green roots in our soil, Afghanistan. I am writing this letter today on behalf of the girls of my land, Afghanistan. Afghanistan has 34 provinces and hundreds of girls who are trying to achieve the dreams they planted in their minds and hearts. Education and training is the most essential pillar to achieve our dreams and goals, we believe that opening a school door, closes a prison door and eliminates corruption and injustice, and at the same time solidarity, equality, and stability Increasing. Education brings awareness and empowerment to us, and it is a bright light from the heart of dark and stone mountains, it is awareness that leads the society to a settlement. And in the meantime, education and training is the teller of peace for which we are trying to open the door to the destruction of the society. I really want you to make the girls who are left out of education realize their dreams and give them a different color. Freedom of work, freedom of expression and choice should be given to women and girls who have taken up the pen to paint their surroundings beautifully. We are girls with colorful dreams, colorful dreams that each color is a symbol of education, work, training, peace, cooperation, acceptance, friendship, forgiveness, faith, effort, being a woman, being a girl and me. We girls who are looking for heaven with black and white people in the valley of blackness, a heaven for the women and girls of the land of Afghanistan away from injustices and inequalities with freedom of education, freedom of work, freedom of speech, freedom of travel and freedom of choice for the country that in Unemployment, poverty, illiteracy, and destitution are rampant. My fellow humans and I are trying to make these beautiful dreams come true, to strengthen the roots as best as possible, in the midst of all the challenges from closing the door of schools and universities to the arrest and harassment of girls in Afghanistan and hundreds of alternative challenges and problems. We believe that it will open the light and destroy the darkness, even though every day this path becomes more difficult. In the midst of a lot of challenges, I and my fellows are looking for the moonlight in the absolute blackness of the dark night without any stars. Hoping for the day when Afghan women and girls have full access to their most basic rights without any challenge and be their own leaders in the society! by Halima

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Unveiling Resilience: Urgent Call to Support Women's Rights in Afghanistan, In the heart of Afghanistan, where the echoes of history meet the resilience of a silenced majority, the urgent plea for women's rights reverberates. Today, under the pseudonym Amina, we unveil the untold stories of Afghan women and implore the international community to stand in solidarity, amplifying their voices in the pursuit of justice, equality, and freedom. Amina's narrative unfolds against a backdrop of adversity, where Afghan women have long been tethered to the shadows of systemic discrimination. The denial of basic rights, education, and opportunities has cast a shadow over their lives, perpetuating a cycle of marginalization that demands global attention. It is a narrative that calls for a collective commitment to dismantling barriers and ushering in an era where every Afghan woman can thrive. Central to this plea is the dire need for international support in securing and advancing women's rights. Amina emphasizes the pivotal role of education as a catalyst for change, underscoring the transformative power it holds in liberating Afghan women from the chains of ignorance. The international community's commitment to bolstering educational infrastructure, ensuring safe spaces for learning, and empowering women through knowledge is paramount in charting a new course for Afghanistan. Beyond education, Amina sheds light on the systemic challenges that stifle women's progress, from discriminatory laws to societal norms that perpetuate gender-based violence. It is a call to action for the international community to advocate for legislative reforms, promote gender-sensitive policies, and work collaboratively with Afghan leaders to create an environment where women's rights are not just acknowledged but safeguarded. The plight of Afghan women is exacerbated by the volatility and insecurity gripping the nation. Amina's narrative underscores the urgent need for the international community to address the intersections of conflict and gender inequality. Amidst geopolitical complexities, a commitment to women's safety, security, and participation in peace-building processes is crucial for fostering a sustainable and inclusive future for Afghanistan. Amina paints a vivid picture of the grassroots movements and women-led organizations that have emerged as beacons of hope. These local initiatives, often working tirelessly against the odds, deserve unwavering international support. Financial aid, capacity-building programs, and diplomatic pressure to uphold women's rights must be key components of the international strategy to empower Afghan women. As we navigate the intricate landscape of cultural sensitivities and geopolitical considerations, let us not forget the indomitable spirit of Afghan women who, against all odds, persist in their pursuit of equality. Amina's plea is a call for the international community to not merely bear witness to their struggles but to actively champion their cause. In solidarity, we urge governments, NGOs, and individuals alike to leverage their influence, resources, and platforms to amplify the voices of Afghan women. Let this be a moment of collective action, where the international community unites to ensure that the rights of Afghan women are not just spoken of in resolutions but are actively protected and advanced on the ground. In the echoes of Amina's plea, may we find the inspiration to stand united in the fight for women's rights in Afghanistan, acknowledging that the empowerment of Afghan women is not just a moral imperative but a collective responsibility of the global community. by Amina

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پیام من به جامعه جهانی این است که باید برای دختران افغان زمینه تحصیل ره فراهم کند و برایشان رسیده گی شود تشکر از جامعه جهانی . نوشته مهرین

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My message to the international community is that they must provide education opportunities for Afghan girls and take care of them. Thank you to the international community. by Mehreen

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My message is to whoever is reading this is to never let anyone take away your freedom which is your birth given right. by Aries

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My name is Zeifar (not her real name). I was born in the …. in 2003. My family came to Kubal. When I was born, my parents were ….. I have two brothers and three sisters. My brother’s favorite color is blue and white. His favorite food is beans. When I was seven years old I started school. My first school was …. school. After I finished middle school,when I was fifteen years old, I went to …. high school. I was eighteen years old, I finished school in May and I wanted to study medicine and serve my country, but I couldn't, the students came everywhere, the girls were stopped, I was not invited again, I went to a private university, I studied midwifery for one semester. The university was also closed and I am still busy ... at the sewing shop. If I am working, I will also take an English course, and my only wish is to continue my studies and serve my country. And help us financially because we cannot afford using the internet. by Zeifar EXEL

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امروز تنها افغانستان نه بلکه تمام دنیا شاهد ظلم گروه تروریستی آمارت اسلامی است همه جهان میبیند که چگونه زنان افغان مجازات میشود زیرا تقصیر شان زن بودن است ، طلب دانش است ، طلب کار است چرا جامعه جهانی در مقابل این نوع خشونت های طالبانی خاموش هست چرا چشم خود را به روی زنان افغانستان بسته کردند. من منحیث یک دختر افغان که سالها زحمت کشید درس خواند مبارزه کرد و در آخر به لباس که به تن داشت وطن را ترک کرده میخواهم این حکومت را به رسمیت نشناسید جلو این ظالمان را بگیرید زیرا زنان افغان در سخت ترین شرایط ممکن قرار دارند. نوشته S.M.

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Today, not only Afghanistan but the whole world is witnessing the oppression of the Islamic State terrorist group. The whole world sees how Afghan women are punished because their fault is being a woman, seeking knowledge, seeking work. Why is the international community silent in the face of this kind of Taliban violence? Why have they closed their eyes to the women of Afghanistan? As an Afghan girl who has worked hard for years, studied, fought, and finally left the country with the clothes on her back, I want you not to recognize this government and stop these oppressors because Afghan women are in the most difficult conditions possible. by S.M.

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روز جهانی زن تنها یک تاریخ نیست این روزی ارج نهادن به قلب پیکر جامعه است استوره های افسانوی تاریخ اما ایا این روز برای خانم های افغان هم روز بیاد ماندنی هست خانم های که با دردهای سربسته شان به یک دو درس انلاین معطل شدند ای شرمنده گان تاریخ که چشمانتان را بر ظلم های ما بسته اید گوش هایتان را ناشنوا گردانیده اید برخیزید و این تغییر را بیاورید اتش که برای همنوع شما افروخته شده است خاموش بسازید و نگذارید که بیش از این شعله بیفکند اسمان را باید از میله های سوراخ سوراخ تماشا کرد جنسیت ات باید مایه ننگ و شرمساری شان باشد تنت همیشه پوشیده به سیاهی ماتم دیگر بس است انتظار بیاید باهم پرواز کنیم اگر چی در زندان باشیم ای زنان با شهامت افغان ای ملالی های دوران بیرق ازادی مان را بی افراشیم و از این تاریکی ها رهایی یابیم هیچکس نمی تواند جلودار برای ظهور تو باشد تو پرورده تاریخ پیروزی و سربلندی در قرنهایی روز جهانی زن به تمام شیردلان زنان افغان مبارک آسمان

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International Women's Day is not just a date. It is a day to honor the heart of the body of society. But is this day also a memorable day for Afghan women? Women who, with their closed pains, are confined to one or two online lessons. Oh, you who are ashamed of history, you have closed your eyes to our oppression and made your ears deaf. Rise up and bring about this change. Put out the fire that has been lit for your fellow human beings and do not let it flare up any more. The sky must be watched through perforated bars. Your gender should be a source of shame and humiliation for them. Your body is always covered in the blackness of mourning. Enough is enough waiting. Let's fly together, even if we are in prison. Oh, courageous Afghan women, oh Malalas of the time. Let's raise our flag of freedom and be free from this darkness. No one can stop you from rising. You are the product of a history of victory and pride in centuries. Happy International Women's Day to all the lion-hearted Afghan S.M.

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امروز ۸ مارچ روز جهانی زن ، روزی که در سر تا سر دنیا تجلیل می‌شود ، اما کشوری است به نام افغانستان... که زن حق تحصیل ندارند، حق بلند کدن صدای خود را ندارد. روز زن در حالت تجلیل می‌شود که در بیشتر ولسوالی های کشورم زن حق گپ زدن را ندارد ، و مثل یک خدمه همرایش رفتار می‌شود. اگر طفل شان دختر بود باز هم خانم خود را لت و کوب می‌کنند، چون در حالت ملامت زن است. در کدام کشور دنیا زن‌ها در حالت ولادت و بارداری شهید شدن؛ اما در این کشور همچو واقعه‌ای رخ داده است. در کشور ما در بدل لک‌ها افغانی و دالر دختران ۱۲ ساله را به نکاح مرد ۸۰ ساله می‌دهند. اما زن‌ها همیشه سکوت کردن، استعداد های خود را پنهان نمودن ، روی آرزو خود خاک پوشانیدن ، درد و مشکلات خود را در قلب خود پنهان کردن چون زن افغان هستن. در کشور من دخترِ به نام فرخنده توسط افرادیکه خودشان فقط نماز را در روز جمعه و قرآن‌کریم را در رمضان می‌شناختند بی رحمانه شهید شد. در کشور من رخشانه‌ای بود که فقط بخاطر عاشق شدن سنگسار شد. کشور من کشور هزاران دخترانِ بود صرف به گناه درس خواندن پر پر شدن و شهید شدند؛ در کشور من حورا زندگی می‌کرد حورا که تا امروز کسی ندانست چرا شهید شد و چه کسی او را شهید ساخت. در این کشور طیبه‌ای زاده شد که قبل ازاینکه به جوانی برسد،زیر خاک رفت. ولی زنان سرزمینم هنوز هم با همت و شجاع و نترس هستن. با هزاران مشکلات هنوز هم ادامه می‌دهند و تسلیم نمی‌شوند. این است قدرت زنان میهنم. بانو سپيده

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Today, the world celebrates International Women's Day, a day of recognition and empowerment for women everywhere. But in Afghanistan, a harsh reality exists. Afghan women are denied the basic right to education. Their voices are silenced, unable to speak up for themselves. Even on a day dedicated to women's rights, the situation is grim. In most districts across the country, women have no right to speak freely and are treated as subservient by those around them. The burden of blame even falls on women for the sex of their children. If a girl is born, the wife is beaten – as if it were her fault. Pregnancy and childbirth, which are supposed to be times of joy and hope, become life-threatening ordeals for many Afghan women. Perhaps even more shocking is the practice of child marriage. Young girls, as young as 12, are forced into wedlock with much older men, often in exchange for vast sums of money. Despite these hardships, Afghan women are known for their incredible strength and resilience. They endure these challenges in silence, hiding their talents and dreams deep within. The pain and struggles they face are a constant weight on their hearts, but they carry them with quiet dignity. The story of Farkhunda, a young woman brutally murdered by a mob fueled by religious extremism, exemplifies the dangers Afghan women face. Rukhshana, another young woman, suffered a horrific fate – stoned to death simply for falling in love. Countless others have been silenced, their dreams extinguished for daring to pursue an education. Haura's story remains a mystery – a young life tragically cut short, the reason for her death unknown. Similarly, Tayeba's life was stolen before she even reached adulthood. Yet, Afghan women persevere. They are brave, courageous, and refuse to give up. Even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, they continue to fight for a better life. This unwavering spirit is the true power of the women of Afghanistan. by Bano Sapideh

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زه د یوی افغان انجلی په صفت تاسو سره خپل د تعلیمي بهیر لنډه کيسه شریکوم کله چي ښونځي کی شامله شوم نو له لومړی ورځی می دا ارمان وو چی زه به په راتلونکي کی یوه تکړه ډاکټره شم له لومړی ټولګی می خپلی هڅی پیل کړې له لومړي ټولګي تر دولسم ټولګي زه په ښونځي کی اول نمره وم دومره زیار به می ویسته چی ما فکر کاوه درس ویل زما هرڅه دی په شپو شپو می بی خوبی کوله ټول به ویده وو خو ما به د یو وړوکی چراغ په زریعه تر سهاره درس ویل له ښونځي د عمومي أول نمره فارغېدو څخه وروسته می کانکور ازموينه ته آماده ګی ونیوله پوهیږی په خپل کور کی می د اونیو اونیو د درس ویلو لپاره خپل مور او پلار نه لیدل یوازی می خپل درسونه ویل کله می چی کانکور ازموينه ورکړه طب پوهنځي ته بريالی شوم د نتایجو په ورځ ما او کورنۍ می له خوشحالي په چغو چغو وژړل دا زما او د پلار جان می لوی ارمان وو ما خپله هڅه وکړه او بریالی هم شوم خو پوهیږی یواځي می یو کال خپل پوهنتون ته ولاړم کله چی طالبان راغلل دوی زموږ پوهنتون بند که نو زما پشان د ډیرو افغان انجونو ارمانونه پاتی شول موږ له خپل حکومت سره نور هیڅ مشکل نلرو الحمدالله موږ مسلمانان يو موږ هم اسلامې حکومت غواړو خو زموږ سپیڅلي دین خو موږ له تعليم منعه کړی نه یوو له تاسو څخه غوښتنه کوم له افغان انجونو سره مرسته وکړي دوی ډیری با استعداده دی که څوک یی زده کړو ته پریږدی

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As an Afghan girl, I share with you a short story of my educational process. When I joined the school, from the first day I dreamed that I would become a talented doctor in the future. I started my efforts from the first grade. Grades up to twelfth grade, I received straight As at school. I used to work so hard that I thought that learning was my everything. After school, I prepared for the entrance examination. You know, I didn't see my parents for weeks at home to teach. I only focused on my lessons. I was successful in obtaining my dream major at the university. On the day of the results, my family and I cried with happiness. This was my and my father's big dream. I tried my best and succeeded, but you know, I only went to my university for one year. When the Taliban came, they closed our university, so I lost the dreams of many Afghan girls. We have no more problems with the government. Alhamdulillah, we are Muslims. We also want an Islamic government, but our holy religion, but we have not banned education. I request you to help Afghan girls. They are very talented.

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زموږ د هیواد مرمنی په رشتیا په په جنسیتی اپارتید په حالت کی دی د زده کړو ټولنیز مدنی او کار کولو حقوق په دیر ظالمانیه توګه ځنیی اخستل شوی زموږ د خپلو خوندو لپاره د افغانستان خلګ او نړوال په یو غږ سره افغان نجونو تر څنګ ودریږی او په ګډه سره د خپلو خوندیو حقوقو څخه دفاع وکړو. خان

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Our country's women are in a state of gender apartheid, education, social, civil and work rights have been cruelly taken away for some people's pleasure. Let's defend our rights together.

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بنام ذات اقدس: وضعیت و شرایط زندگی زنان در افغانستان قسمی که مبین است زنان در افغانستان در شرایط خیلی دشوار زندگی، به سر میبرند. به گونه ای که حتی از تعلیم، تحصیل، کار وبار محروم گردیده اند، این وضعیت باعث عدم پیشرفت و رشد زنان شده و در جامعه جایگاه خود را از دست میدهند و نمتوانند یک شخص تاثیر گذار در جامعه خود باشند، استعداد های شان پنهان باقی میماند و نمتوانند از توانایی های شان استفاده کنند، در کل میتوان گفت این صدمه بس بزرگی بر قشر زنان در یک جامعه، چون افغانستان، است. من خود به عنوان کسی که تا یک حدِ تحصیل کرده ام، شرایط مساعد نیست و نمیتوانم در یک جای مناسب ایفای و ظیفه نمایم و از اندوخته های خود استفاده کنم و یا هم به تحصیل ادامه دهم، و این وضعیت خیلی نگران کننده است. اما باز هم امید داریم و تلاش میکنیم تا بتوانیم از طریق فرصت های ایجاد شده از دروس آنلاین و مدیا استفاده کنیم و وقت گران ارزش خود را بیجا هدر ندهیم. حرف و پیام من به جامعه جهانی این است که در وضعیت که زنان در افغانستان قرار دارند یک وضیعت نا مساعد بوده، شمایان که مدافع حقوق زنان هستید و صدای ما را میشنوید و پیام ما را میخوانید باید برای برون رفت از این وضعیت کاری انجام دهید، این مسولیت شما است و نباید در این شرایط زنان را در چنین وضعیت تنها بگذارید و به هر نحوی که شده از ما حمایت کنید و فرصت های تعلیمی و کاری برای ما ایجاد کنید، نگذارید ما مرده ها متحرک باشیم ما را حمایت کنید تا باشد فرد تاثیر گذار در جامعه باشیم. توسط شبنم

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In the name of the Most Holy: As is clear, women in Afghanistan live in very difficult conditions. They are deprived of education, work, and business. This situation prevents women from progressing and growing, and they lose their place in society. They cannot be influential people in their society, their talents remain hidden, and they cannot use their abilities. In short, it can be said that this is a great harm to women in a society like Afghanistan. As someone who has received some education, I find that the conditions are not conducive for me to play a role in a suitable place and use my knowledge or continue my education. This situation is very worrying. However, we still have hope and are trying to use the opportunities created by online courses and media so that we do not waste our valuable time. My message to the international community is that the situation of women in Afghanistan is very bad. You who are the defenders of women's rights and hear our voices and read our messages must do something to get us out of this situation. This is your responsibility. You should not leave women in this situation alone and support us in any way you can and create educational and work opportunities for us. Don't let us be walking dead. Support us so that we can be influential people in society. by Shabnam

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همیشه از مظلومیت زنان افغانی بحث می شود.. آیا شما گاهی فکر کردین که چقدر جامعه جهانی و کشور هایی که داد از حقوق زن می زنند برای ما جفا کرده اند... اما رن افغان یا درست بگوییم دختر خراسان قوی تر از آن است که در مقابل ظلم کسی به نام طالب و محدودیت های جامعه سنتی سر خم کند... همیشه قوی تر از دیروز سر بلند می کنیم... و از خاکستر خود دوباره هست می شویم.‌.. بیاید از قهرمانی های زنان خراسانی یا افغانستان امروزی نیز حرف بزنیم.. نه اینکه همیشه از مظلومیت های مایان... روزی دوباره زن این خطه دوباره شرایط را تغییر خواهد داد.. و در مقابل هر مشکلی دوام خواهد آورد... و به امید روزی که هر روز روز زن باشد نه یک روز در تقویم... نوشته ارمغان

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We always talk about the مظلومیت (oppression) of Afghan women. Have you ever thought about how much the international community and the countries that advocate for women's rights have wronged us? But the Afghan woman, or to be more precise, the daughter of Khorasan, is stronger than to bow down to the oppression of someone called the Taliban and the limitations of traditional society. We always raise our heads stronger than yesterday... and we rise from our ashes again... Let's talk about the heroism of the women of Khorasan or today's Afghanistan as well... not just always about our مظلومیت (oppression)... One day, the women of this region will change the conditions again... and will endure in the face of every problem... And here's to hoping that every day is Women's Day, not just one day on the calendar...

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